The Health Benefits of Golf

Gracefully Greying
Gracefully Greying

| 2 min read

Senior women enjoying the health benefits of golf.
The popularity of golf is at an all-time high. It’s not only fun and enjoyable, it also offers numerous health benefits. Chasing that tiny, dimpled ball can improve your overall well-being. It’s a great way to stay physically active, especially if you’re walking the course.
The combination of walking and swinging the club uses nearly every muscle in your body, increases your heart rate, burns calories and improves your mood. On average, golfers burn 300-600 calories an hour depending on your body weight and how quickly you’re moving.
Multiple studies now confirm that golf improves your cardiovascular health, improving circulation, reducing cholesterol and reducing your risk of heart disease. According to a study out of Sweden, golf may even extend your life… by five years!
Plus, golf is low impact, putting less stress on your joints compared to others sports like running and tennis. The gentle, repetitive movement improves your flexibility, balance and coordination.
And golf isn’t just good for your body, it does wonders for your mind!
Spending time outdoors has solid mental health benefits. The trees, the sound of the birds, fresh air and wildlife have a calming effect on your mind, reducing stress and anxiety. But the best part is the opportunity for social interaction (away from your cell phone!)
Focusing on the ball, you improve your concentration. You develop mental discipline and problem-solving skills. You plan your next move and enhance your cognitive abilities, sharpening your mind. So quick, before the summer is out, grab your clubs and hit the course. It’s good for your body and your mind.
Opinions expressed in this blog belong solely to the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan or its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Gracefully Greying puts a spotlight on those who are 55+ or are helping aging parents and family members. A weekly livestream on social media platforms highlights relevant information and meaningful discussions about growing older and staying young in heart and mind.
Lila Lazarus is an award–winning news anchor and health reporter who speaks five languages and holds two master’s degrees. She has covered the news all over the world. Lila believes we all can infuse our lives with passion and excitement and leads by example. Lila is the Health and News Correspondent at Gracefully Greying.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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