

The Health Benefits of Golf

Gracefully Greying health correspondent Lila Lazarus explores the health benefits of golf for both the body and the mind.

Senior women enjoying the health benefits of golf.

Michigan Bucket List: U-Pick Blueberry Farms 

Try a U-pick farm for your blueberries this year. It’s a fun way to get these healthy fruits.

Little girl picking blueberry

How My Pets Helped My Mental Health 

Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake shares how her pets have helped her mental health.

Monica Drake's two cats

Michigan Bucket List: Free Outdoor Concerts 

Bring a blanket, a camp chair and some snacks. It’s time for free summer concerts.

Finding the Music

5 Things to Do this Summer in Port Austin 

Port Austin is a laid-back harbor town that has a dark sky preserve and is a boat ride away from the famed Turnip Rock.

Turnip Rock near Port Austin Michigan

Ice Cream Flavors That Scream Michigan 

Whether it’s a scoop in a dish or cone, some ice cream flavors just scream Michigan.

Laughing teenage girls enjoying ice cream cones

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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