Slow Cooker Butter Chicken with Veggies

Shanthi Appelo, MS, RD

| 2 min read

Butter chicken
Slow cookers are an excellent way to get children of all ages involved in cooking.
Combining ingredients, measuring out spices and chopping vegetables are a few ways to spark your child’s interest in healthy food. One of the best ways to win the veggie war with kids is to empower them to like them in the first place.
Allowing children to help plant a spring herb garden or help pick out vegetables at the grocery store are a couple of ways to do so. Though it’s okay to hide vegetables once in a while, consistently doing this can allow children to catch on and develop an unhealthy relationship with that vegetable.
By providing two or three options, it can help children to feel more in control. Try asking if kids would prefer carrots or peppers when they make this slow cooker meal, or ask them if they’d prefer the carrots in strips or diced. Some children are sensory sensitive, so try different textures of vegetables and chopping in various uniform sizes.
This recipe features onions, cilantro and finely diced red bell peppers. Switch this recipe’s veggies up by adding or substituting zucchini, carrots or mushrooms. This lower-fat butter chicken recipe features low-fat coconut milk and tomato paste to make the sauce and packs in extra protein and creaminess by stirring in Greek yogurt. It is delicious served on a bed of basmati rice, but spaghetti may be more acceptable for some kiddos. Enjoy! (Scroll down for recipe.)
Photo credit: Shanthi Appelö

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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