3 Spooky and Nutritious Halloween Snacks

Shanthi Appelo
Shanthi Appelo

| 2 min read

Spooky season is upon us. Grocery stores have aisles dedicated to Halloween candy and U.S. consumers are projected to spend $3.5 billion on candy alone this year. While it’s okay to enjoy trick-or-treating and candy, it’s important to balance enjoying the spirit of Halloween in other healthier ways. Pumpkin carving and other crafts are a great start. For those looking for food options, try one of these three healthy food ideas to help take the focus away from candy:

Stuffed Jack-O’-Lantern Peppers

From the classic Jack-o’-lantern design to witches, many families enjoy pumpkin carving during this spooky season. In this dinner idea, kids can play with their food. Simply cut off the top and carve out the inside of an orange bell pepper. Next, use a paring knife to cut out the shape of a jack-o’-lantern on the side. Next, fill with your favorite filling such as spaghetti with a veggie-rich sauce made with ground chicken, pasta salad or a Tex-Mex spiced filling. Using spaghetti can add an element of gore. Simply use food tweezers or a fork to pull out spaghetti strands from the mouth to represent maggots.


Avocado toasts are a staple healthy breakfast, especially when made with whole wheat, nut or seed-rich bread. The avocado packs in healthy fats and fiber while serving as a creamy topping. In this spooky rendition, seaweed snacks are trimmed to mimic Frankenstein’s hairdo and form a mouth. Sliced olives are used as eyes, but other veggies such as sliced cherry tomatoes are suitable options too.

“Candy Corn” Greek Yogurt Cup

Candy corn is synonymous with Halloween. According to the National Confectioners Association, more than 35 million pounds or about 9 billion kernels of candy corn are sold annually. In this breakfast treat, pineapples, canned mandarin oranges and lemon-flavored Greek yogurt make up the iconic colors. Simply place diced pineapples at the bottom of a clear glass or jar, followed by mandarin slices and the yogurt. For the most health value, use canned fruit packed in juice or water.
Photo credit: BCBSM

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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