What You Can Control for Healthy Aging
Aging is inevitable, but how we age isn’t entirely out of our hands. There are many ways to age well by taking control of our habits and routines. What can we do to age in a way that leaves us feeling strong, capable, and in control?"
What You Can't Control with Your Health
While lifestyle choices play a significant role in our health, there’s no escaping the influence of genetics and family history. There are certain things we may be born with that can increase the risk for certain diseases or health conditions. So, understanding your genetic makeup can empower you to make informed decisions about your health. Let’s get into it; how much of our health is actually determined by family history—and what can we do to take control?
What You Can Control with Your Health
Ever feel like your health is beyond your control? Today we’re focusing on practical changes in our daily routines that can have a powerful impact on overall health. Let’s talk about what factors have the biggest impact and small steps we can start taking to chip away.
How to Cope with Holiday Stress
The holidays are often portrayed as a time of joy and celebration can but quickly can become a source of stress and overwhelm for many. The pressure to attend social gatherings, buy the perfect gifts, and navigate family dynamics, all while managing personal expectations, can take a toll on our mental health. For some, the holidays bring added financial strain or the weight of grief from loved ones no longer with us. So, how can we manage holiday stress and create a season that feels more joy-filled and balanced?
How to Practice Gratitude
In a world that feels overwhelming at times, the practice of gratitude offers a powerful counterbalance, inviting us to slow down and appreciate the good in our lives. From relieving stress to lessening anxiety, science shows that gratitude has far-reaching benefits for our overall well-being. But how exactly can we approach practicing gratitude to positively impact our health and relationships?
How to Identify and Manage Stress Triggers
Whether it’s juggling work responsibilities, navigating personal challenges, or responding to the unexpected, stress impacts everyone in different ways. But what happens when stress goes unchecked, seeping into our physical and mental well-being? Understanding what causes our stress and learning how to spot the pattern and manage it can help us gain more self-awareness to live a healthier life physically and mentally.
Doomscrolling - What It Is and How to Stop It
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant flood of social media content. From the moment we wake up, our devices connect us to an endless stream of updates, which sometimes leaves us feeling anxious or never able to disconnect. Doom scrolling has become a widespread habit – one that can take a toll on one’s mental health. So, what can we do to break this habit and be more mindful of how much time we spend on our devices?
How to Stay Productive Leading into Winter
Shorter days and cold temps; many of us struggle to maintain the productivity we have when it’s warm and sunny. The cozy appeal of staying indoors can quickly turn into a struggle to maintain motivation, energy and a positive mindset. The season’s lack of sunlight and outdoor activities can lead to feelings of sluggishness. So, how can we face the challenges of winter head-on while staying productive and maintaining our well-being?
How to Not Let Work Become Your Identity
At times, it can seem like career success is equated with personal fulfillment – we fall into this trap of defining ourselves by our job title. The boundaries between work and life have blurred, especially in recent years with the rise of remote work, making it harder to separate who we are from what we do. But what happens when our careers start to overshadow other aspects of our lives and maybe even health? How can we take back our sense of self that isn’t solely tied to our 9-to-5?
How to Reduce Stigma Around Mental Health
Mental health stigma remains a significant barrier to seeking support and accessing effective care. Despite growing awareness, individuals struggling with mental health challenges often face negative stereotypes and misconceptions that discourage them from reaching out for help. This stigma can manifest in various ways and affect societal attitudes. So, what steps can one take to overcome these barriers and effectively reduce stigma?
How to Slow Down Your Biological Age
When it comes to age, some feel younger than the number they are turning on their birthday. While this might seem more psychological than physical, there’s been research that shows certain lifestyle changes may slow biological aging by six years. It seems like something out of fiction to reverse aging (to an extent). So, what can we do to improve, slow down, or even reverse our biological age?
How to Overcome Perfectionism
Voltaire has been quoted saying “perfect is the enemy of good.” For those that strive for perfection, you might find settling for good enough easier said than done. Accepting anything less might feel like a failure. If we constantly see imperfections as unacceptable, how does that impact our well-being? How do we pinpoint if we’re obsessing over perfectionism on a constant basis, and more importantly, how do we address it?
Michigan Bucket List: Fall Edition
As the summer heat gives way to the crisp, cool air of autumn, Michigan transforms into a breathtaking tapestry of vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows. Known for its stunning natural beauty and diverse landscapes, the Great Lakes State offers a plethora of picturesque destinations perfect for fall travel. From charming small towns to tranquil lakeshores, Michigan’s fall season provides a unique blend of scenic sights and outdoor activities that we’ll uncover on today’s episode.
How to Get Out of a Funk
It’s likely we’ve all experienced sadness and lack of motivation for days at some point. During those times, it seems like we tend to keep to ourselves and avoid others. And for those that have experienced being in a funk, you know that it does eventually pass on its own and you get back to the day to day. But are there ways we can be proactive to get ourselves out of a funk sooner?
Benefits of Adult Timeouts
Life is full of hustle and bustle. It doesn’t matter if you are single, married, young, old, have 3 kids or no kids. Life just gets busier and busier with each passing day. Between family life, work and daily responsibilities, it’s important to take a break every now and then to give yourself some breathing space. With so much time focused on taking care of others and work, it can be easy to forget about taking time for ourselves. So, could giving ourselves adult timeouts be beneficial for our wellbeing?
Skincare Products to Avoid This Summer
For the most part, a skincare routine should be something that’s constant. A cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen are the basics for any skincare routine; however, some may add additional products to their routine. And with summer here, some products might leave us more susceptible to the sun. So, what skincare products should we be avoiding during the summer months?
Benefits of Michigan Summer Fruit
Michigan is home to quite a few fruits that are available to pick in the summer months. From cherries to raspberries, you’ll likely find it at a Michigan u-pick farm. So, what should we be looking out for when picking Michigan fruit and how can we ensure we’re getting the most out of our fresh produce this summer?
Benefits of Being Near Water
Water covers about 71% of the Earth’s surface. In Michigan, you’re never more than six miles away from water or 85 miles away from a Great Lake. For most that have ever sat on a beach and watched the water crash along the shoreline, it can feel like a moment of peace no matter how chaotic life can be. While the moments can be serene, does being near water have a positive impact on our mental health? And if so, what does it actually do for us?
Shaping Michigan’s Future Through Talent & Workforce Development
Chuck Gaidica visits the 2024 Mackinac Policy Conference to discuss how companies across the state are shaping Michigan’s future through talent and workforce development.
Attracting Businesses & Jobs
Chuck Gaidica visits the 2024 Mackinac Policy Conference to discuss how companies across Michigan are attracting businesses and jobs.
20 Years of Value Partnerships
Chuck Gaidica visits the 2024 Mackinac Policy Conference to discuss value partnerships between BCBSM and provider partners.
Is Manifestation Healthy or Harmful?
According to the law of attraction, positive thoughts attract positive outcomes, whereas negative thoughts attract negative outcomes. This idea has been interconnected with the term “manifesting”, which refers to the practice of manifesting aspirational ideas to make them a reality. And it has arguably never been more popular. If you’ve been on social media within the last year, it’s likely you’ve come across an influencer mentioning how they manifested their success and that you can too. While this practice preaches positivity, how does it affect our well-being in the long term?
How to Pair Foods to Boost Nutrient Absorption
Throughout history, certain fictional characters always gravitated towards one food. Popeye and spinach. Bugs Bunny and carrots. Winnie the Pooh and honey. While focusing on superfoods to help boost certain aspects of health – in moderation of course – is it possible to pair foods to maximize how your body absorbs those nutrients? Could these foods boost our health in a way that is noticeable?
Hacks to Improve Your To-Do List
Sometimes, creating a to-do list can feel like a process in itself. Some tasks are urgent while others can wait. Some don’t take much time to complete, and others can take longer. It can be difficult to figure out what to prioritize. So, when it comes to creating a to-do list, is there a more effective way to write and organize our list to maximize how tasks are completed?
How to Snack Smarter on the Go
When we’re constantly on the go, making healthier choices may fall to the wayside at times and leave us favoring convenience. According to the CDC, 37% of adults consume fast food on a given day. Fast food can impact blood sugar and blood pressure in the short term. Additionally, diets rich in fast food could lead to a plethora of issues in the body including digestion, inflammation, heart health, and more. So how can we approach ways to snack smarter on the go to better our health and keep us fueled between meals?
Do Natural Sleep Aids Promote Better Sleep?
According to UC Davis Health, sleep is one of the three pillars of health. It promotes improved mental function, helps maintain a healthy weight, reduces stress, and improves mood to name a few. However, getting quality sleep can be easier said than done for some. In a 2022 Gallup survey, it showed that 1 in 3 adults do not regularly get the recommended amount of uninterrupted sleep. So, for those that have trouble sleeping, can natural sleep aids be a way to help improve sleep quality?
Why You Should Consider Power Naps
For many of us, we’ve likely experienced the mid-day slump at least once in our lives. According to the Sleep Foundation, it’s normal for people to experience a drop in energy after lunch due to the body’s natural circadian rhythm. There are a myriad of options to break out of the fog and get your energy back up, but our focus today is something that’s accessible to most people – a nap. And we’re not talking carving an hour out of your day. A lot can be accomplished in less time that you may think. Power naps can be this tightrope walk when it comes to getting it just right to achieve the maximum benefit. We’ll uncover how to approach them on this episode.
How Positive Self-Talk Reduces Stress
According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative. On a previous episode, we discussed the negativity bias and how negative thoughts often carry more weight in our minds than positive ones. And too often, the pattern of self-talk we develop is negative due to experiences we’ve had throughout our lives. Frequent negative self-talk may lead to decreased motivation and greater feelings of helplessness. So, is it possible to combat negative thoughts by changing our outlook to something more positive?
How to Stock Your Cupboards for Better Heart Health
Our kitchen cupboards are a window into our diet. There are items in there that are in constant rotation while others might be collecting dust. However, something we might not think about is how these items we stock up on affect our heart health. So, when it comes to the foods we choose, which staples should we always have on hand to better our heart health?
What Numbers You Should Focus on for Good Heart Health
Majority of us have gone to the doctor’s office for a routine checkup and have gone through our chart with the doctor. It’s possible we don’t think twice about what is being relayed to us unless our doctor shows some concern with the results. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pay attention to our numbers until somethings wrong. On this episode, we’re going to cover what numbers you should focus on for good health, what they mean and what you can do to proactively keep your heart healthy.
What to Look for in a Good Workout Routine
There are so many options available to us when it comes to choosing a workout, which is great because it allows us so much variety to find something that suits what we’d enjoy in a fitness plan. From on-demand series to YouTube videos and local gym classes or equipment. Creating a workout routine is very much a choose your own adventure approach to a healthy lifestyle. So, when we are creating one, what should we be looking for in our exercises that makes a well-rounded workout routine?
Why You Shouldn't Make a New Year's Resolution
At the start of the New Year, it seems like it’s only a matter of time until we start talking about resolutions. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. We take a moment to reflect on something we want to change for the better in our lives. But it often comes with this all-or-nothing mentality. Or even worse, a lofty goal that isn’t realistic to reach in the amount of time we set aside to achieve it. So, would it make more sense just to do away with resolutions and try something different?
How to Overcome Negativity Bias
It’s odd how negative moments can outweigh positive ones. We could experience a day that was great overall. But one small, negative experience can make us fixate on that moment and forget the rest of the positive moments from that day. According to Columbia University, research shows that we often remember negative or traumatic experiences over positive ones. Why is it that we put so much focus on negativity? And what impact can that have on us?
Michigan Bucket List: Winter Edition
In 2022, Thrillist ranked Michigan third for how miserable its winters are. And they might have a point in some cases. Majority of the days, there’s cloud coverage. Days get shorter and shorter as daylight dwindles. And not to mention, the temperatures can range from 36°F to 16°F. And that might be enough for someone to say, “I’ll see you in spring.” But even so, we know there are some exciting things to do and experience in Michigan even in the winter. And that’s what we plan to uncover on today’s episode.
How to Recover from Burnout
Stress creeps up on all of us. And if we don’t find ways to minimize stress, it can pile up to a point where we become burnt out. This is especially true when juggling work, friendships, family and more – it can get to a point where we neglect our own self-interest and become consumed with the responsibilities that surround us with no outlet. So how do we pull back to maintain balance between our responsibilities and our passions? What can we do to recognize burnout early on and act before we’re consumed by it?
Do Food Sensitivity Tests Actually Work?
As of recent, the popularity of food sensitivity testing has been on the rise. These tests promise to provide answers to digestive issues such as heartburn, abdominal pain, and bloating to name a few. As for access to these tests, they’re not hard to acquire with at-home kits being sold online. The process of getting answers about your digestive health tailored to you seems so simple. Who wouldn’t want to get insights on how certain foods interact with one’s body and improve how they feel? But how reliable are these tests? Are they too good to be true?
Easy Ways to Increase Your Veggie Intake
At some point in your life, it’s possible you’ve heard someone say, “it’s important to eat your veggies so you can grow up to be big and strong.” And it’s also likely some of us didn’t read much more into that statement. To an extent, a majority of us know that vegetables are good for us because that’s what we were told growing up. However, according to the CDC, 91% of adults aren’t getting the daily recommended of vegetables. During this conversation, we’ll shed light on the benefits of vegetables and creative ways we can incorporate them into our diet.
Is 10,000 Steps a Day Fact or Myth?
10,000 steps a day should be familiar to most – especially if you have ever purchased a fitness tracker that keeps count of your steps. Over the course of interacting with different health experts on this show, we’ve come to find out that exercise is very much an individual, case-by-case approach. So that makes us wonder if “10,000 steps a day” is a good baseline or are there more questions we should be asking ourselves to figure out what’s the right step goal we should be aiming for daily? On this episode, we’ll uncover exactly that to help understand what the best approach to select, maintain and achieve our daily step goal might really be.
How to Start and Maintain a Routine
Does it seem like any time you start a new routine, it feels like it’s only a matter of time until it falls apart? We plan, make schedules, and stay on top of the routine we set in place. But the moment we have the tiniest of setbacks, everything comes apart at the seams and we can’t get back into the rhythm of our daily routine. Why do minor missteps cause our routines to unravel? What can we do to ensure we stick to the healthy habits we set out for ourselves?
How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Food
In recent years, there’s been focus on the impact various sources from energy to the car we drive can impact our environment. Even food has been said to have an impact. But if we wanted to eat more sustainably to reduce the effects on our environment, how do we go about that? Do we eat locally? Opt for organic? Choose free range? Or skip meat entirely? In this episode, we’ll uncover how you can approach and incorporate sustainable food into your diet without feeling overwhelmed.
Is There an Optimal Time to Work Out?
There’s no question that finding time to work out whenever you can is better than not doing it at all. But what if you wanted to optimize your workouts to get the most benefit? Is there a specific time of day that’s optimal to maximize the results you get from working out?
Are These Social Trends Harming Your Skin?
Can beef tallow really help improve your skin? Does a jade roller really give you a glow? To help separate skincare fact from fiction, we’ll uncover if these trending hacks actually work.
Ways Dehydration is Affecting You That You Didn’t Realize
Did you know 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? Find out the signs and side effects of dehydration as well as ways you can stay hydrated.
“Food Facts” You’ve Heard But Aren’t True
Misinformation touches everything - even our food. On this episode, we
Can Food Impact Your Lifespan by the Minute?
Can eating a hot dog reduce your lifespan by 36 minutes? On this episode, we explore a study analyzing the impact foods can have on lifespan by the minute.
How to Maintain Balance Between Mental and Physical Health
Did you know there’s a strong link between our mental and physical health? On this episode, we discuss how each affects the other and ways to maintain balance.
The Power of the Past and Present
Wrapping his time at the Mackinac Policy Conference, Chuck talks to attendees about the power of the past and present of Michigan history.
The Power of Investing in Youth and the Future of Our Communities
Continuing his time at the Mackinac Policy Conference, Chuck talks to attendees about investing in youth and the future of our communities.
The Power of Business and Philanthropy in Detroit
Chuck Gaidica is back for another bonus episode to talk to conference attendees about business and philanthropy happening in Detroit.
The Power of Working Together in Health Care Now and Into the Future
At the 2023 Mackinac Policy Conference, Chuck speaks with attendees to discuss how leaders are tackling issues in the healthcare space.
Health Benefits of Donating Blood
Donating blood is important for saving lives for those receiving blood, but it can also be beneficial to the donor. Find out how.
How to Cope with Negative Body Image
From media to societal pressures, there’s a lot that can influence how we feel about our physical appearance. Here's how to cope with those feelings.
Benefits of Starting a Garden
If you’re discovering gardening for the first time, you might be surprised to find out there are quite a few benefits to getting your hands in the dirt.
How Chronic Stress Impacts Our Weight
Do you gravitate towards comfort food when you’re feeling stressed? There could be a reason for that. Find out more on the relationship between stress and food.
How to Know When Stress Becomes Chronic
Frazzled? Anxious? Tense? What do we do when stress becomes long-lasting to the point where it’s noticeably weighing on us? Find out here.
How Does Caffeine Affect the Body?
Sleep, jitters, a morning pick me up - we all know that caffeine is known to affect all of these things, but what is it’s true impact?
TikTok Sleep Trends – Do They Actually Work?
Did you know 1 in 3 U.S. adults aren't getting enough sleep? so we decided to search social media for sleep hacks and ask a doctor if they're worth trying.
Is It Safe to Eat Food After Its Expiration Date?
When it comes to use by dates, it's common to throw food out when it's passed the expiration date. but is it really expired? we'll unpack that here.
What to Look for When Reading Food Labels
Low-fat, low-calorie, low-carb. We see these phrases on products at grocery stores thinking they're a healthy option, but are they truly? find out more here.
Is Organic Food Overrated or Underrated?
There's a perception that organic foods are more nutritious and environmentally friendly than non-organic foods, but they actually better for us? find out.
Are Food Additives Harmful to Our Health?
it’s estimated that an individual consumes 140-150 pounds of food additives each year. Can ingesting additives have a negative impact on our health long-term?
How to Reset Your Health This New Year
In the New Year, it seems like we’re so focused on diet and exercise. However, there are other aspects of our health we could focus on. Find out more here.
How to Digitally Detox from Technology
Technologically, we’re living in a time where we’ve never been more connected in our lives. However, overuse of tech could impact our wellbeing. Find out how.
How Helping Others Helps You
You’ve likely heard the phrase “it’s better to give than receive.” But did you know that when we help others, it’s actually better for our health? Find out how.
Behind the Scenes of America’s Thanksgiving Parade
We're peeling back the curtain on america's thanksgiving parade. everything from balloons to floats, find out what goes into one of detroit's most iconic event.
Holiday Food Myths Busted
Should you do a post-holiday cleanse to lose weight? Or substitute ingredients in your holiday meal to prevent weight gain? Those myths and more debunked here.
Vegan and Vegetarian Diet Myths Debunked
We’ve heard a lot of different things about vegan and vegetarian diets, both good and bad. But what’s true and what’s false? We debunk myths about each.
How I was Diagnosed with ADHD
It’s common for adults to find out later in life that they have ADHD, but how does someone seek help if it’s never crossed their mind that they might have it?
Why You Should Consider Low Impact Workouts
Can low impact workouts be just as effective as high impact workouts? We explore if it's possible to get similar results while being easier on our joints.
Intuitive Eating – What to Know Before Trying
Non-diet approaches like intuitive eating seem to be gaining popularity. Can this approach to eating be beneficial to our diet or is it another fad?
Why You Should Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
While it’s healthy for us to establish a comfort zone, getting out of it can be good for us as well. So how can we get comfortable with being uncomfortable?
Are These Health Drinks Actually Healthy?
Drink trends are flooding social media claiming to have numerous health benefits. But are these actually healthy or is it all hype? We unpack all of that here.
Are You Doing These Stretches to Stay Flexible?
Flexibility shouldn’t be something we start to pay attention to the moment we notice limitations in our daily lives. Here's how to improve and maintain it.
How to Eat Healthy While Traveling
When planning your next vacation, eating healthy might be the last thing on your mind. So how do we maintain balance with our food options during our next trip?
Do This to Keep Your Brain Healthy
We’ve all had moments where we've misplaced something and can't remember where it is. but is forgetfulness we should be concerned about as age?
Why Men Have Shorter Lifespans Than Women
The average male life expectancy is five years less than females. What factors contribute to this and what can men do to expand their longevity? Find out here.
Inside the 2022 Mackinac Policy Conference – Part 4
Wrapping his time at the Mackinac Policy Conference, Chuck talks to attendees about the business community's changing civic role in polarizing times.
Inside the 2022 Mackinac Policy Conference – Part 3
Continuing his time at the Mackinac Policy Conference, Chuck talks to attendees about the business community's changing civic role in polarizing times.
Inside the 2022 Mackinac Policy Conference – Part 2
Chuck Gaidica is back for another bonus episode to talk to conference attendees about the business community's changing civic role in polarizing times.
Inside the 2022 Mackinac Policy Conference – Part 1
On this episode, Chuck talks to conference attendees about the business community's changing civic role in polarizing times and its impact on michiganders.
How to Cope with Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression can develop anywhere from a few weeks to six months after delivery. Listen to how you can identify PPD and when to seek help for it.
How to Quiet Your Mind Before Bed
At some point we've found ourselves unable to fall asleep at night because of racing thoughts. in this episode, we explore what can do quiet our minds.
How to Get Your Garden Ready for Spring
With warmer weather right around the corner, now is the perfect time to start thinking about getting your garden in order for the season. Listen to hear how.
How Your Living Space Affects Your Well-Being
Can our living space really have a direct impact on our well-being? Hear what you can do to make small changes to your space to improve your well-being.
Can Food Positively Impact Your Sleep?
Can food really help improve our sleep? Are there specific foods that will lead to a better night's rest? we unpack all that here.
In Jamie’s Memory: Christy McDonald Shares Her Family’s Personal Journey with Colon Cancer and the Importance of Early Screening
In hopes of raising awareness and providing information on screening, warning signs and more, we share a personal story of the effects of colorectal cancer.
Uncommon Spices You Should Add to Your Pantry
Herbs and spices can transform a dish and really make the flavors come alive. In this episode, we deep dive into uncommon spices you may just want to try.
Reflecting on 100 Episodes
We've reached our 100th episode and we're celebrating by sharing what we've learned over the years producing show.
How Does Stress Impact Our Heart Health?
Stress is a common part of life. But what happens if we experience elevated levels of stress on a consistent basis? Could it be harmful to our heart health?
How Micro Habits Can Elevate Your Fitness Goals
When we try to introduce healthy habits, we go about it the wrong way by setting overly ambitious goals. Hear how you can set yourself up for success this year.
Is It Possible to Lose Weight with Diet Alone?
What if we followed a tried-and-true diet for weight loss and solely that? Would we be able to lose weight with diet alone? Find out here.
How to Maintain Your Mental Health This Winter
Winter can be challenging for many as the weather can directly impact our mood. So, what can we do to take care of our mental health as colder weather rolls in?
How to Maintain Good Immunity This Winter
Let’s face it – no one enjoys feeling tired, run down or sick. So what can we do to maintain good immunity and protect ourselves this winter season?
How to Be Mindful During the Holidays
The holidays can be a time of joy and excitement, but they can also very easily become stressful. Listen to how mindfulness can help relieve holiday stress.
What Your Mouth Says About Your Health
Our mouths play such an important role when it comes to how our bodies function, but can we get a snapshot of our overall health by looking in our mouths?
Why You Shouldn’t Solely Focus on Weight Loss for Good Health
When looking to get healthy, we may associate weight loss with the gold standard for success when it comes to being healthy, but there's more to it than that.
Macronutrients – What They Are and How to Calculate Them
Counting macros can feel overwhelming as it's a little more involved than simply counting calories. here are tips on how to simplify tracking them.
How to Fight Fatigue with Food
We've all experienced that midday slump where it feels like our energy levels are tapped. what we eat throughout the day might be reason we're so tired.
Inside the 2021 Mackinac Policy Conference – Part 3
Wrapping his time at the Mackinac Policy Conference, Chuck Gaidica chats with attendees about the impact the pandemic has had on the health of Michiganders.
Inside the 2021 Mackinac Policy Conference – Part 2
Chuck Gaidica is back for another bonus episode to talk to conference attendees about the health of Michiganders at the Mackinac Policy Conference.
Inside the 2021 Mackinac Policy Conference – Part 1
On this episode, Chuck Gaidica talks to conference attendees about the hurdles they've overcome the past 18 months and impact it's had on michiganders.
How to Improve Your Health with Technology
With constant advancements in technology, our options for self-care have increased tremendously. So how do we take advantage of this tech to improve our health?
What You Need to Know About Colonoscopies
We know once we reach a certain age, it's recommended we get a colonoscopy - but why? here, uncover everything you need to know about colonoscopies.
How to Get Organized and Feel Better About Your Space
For some, staying organized is an ongoing battle and it fills us with stress and anxiety. But maybe we just haven't found an organizing style that works for us.
Is It Possible to Make Working Out Fun?
For the most part, working out feels like...well, work. But is there a way to make our workouts something we look forward to doing. Here's how to make it fun.
How to Take Care of Your Gut
Our gut impacts our immune system, heart, weight, and even mental health so it's important to keep it healthy. here's what you can do take care of it.
Why Food Is the Best Way to Explore New Cultures
There are so many ways that different ingredients from all over the world are making it onto our plate. Exploring new cultures through food is easier than ever.
Michigan Bucket List: Hidden Gems to Visit This Summer
With more than 13,000 miles of trails and 11,000 inland lakes, Michigan has quite the offering. Discover hidden gems across the state to check out this summer.
How Mental Health Stigma Affects Men
When it comes to their mental health, men struggle to ask for help, but what is holding them back from seeking the care they need? Listen to find out.
Why We Crave Junk Food and Ways to Curb It
For some, we've leaned on junk food to get through the daily stressors of life, especially this past year. learn how curb your cravings and eat healthy.
How to Get and Stay Motivated
Motivation feels like the main ingredient to get things done, but it isn’t a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits all desire to act. Learn how to get motivated here.
Pandemic Stress: How It’s Impacting the Emotional Well-Being of Women
This last year has taken a bigger toll on women's mental health than men, but what can be done to help ease the stress of pandemic? we unpack that here.
Stress and Alcohol: What It’s Doing to Our Health
During the pandemic, alcohol consumption has grown from 21% to 40.7%. People are turning to alcohol to ease stress, but how is it affecting our overall health?
Laughter – What is It Doing for Our Health?
We've all heard that laughter is the best medicine, but what it doing for our health? find out how benefits us both mentally and physically.
Is Blue Light Bad for Our Eyes?
On average, we spend three hours and 43 minutes on our phone per day. It's clear screen time has increased, but what is it doing to our eyes? find out here.
The Effects of Emotional Eating on Our Health
Food can impact our mood greatly, but when we’re feeling down or upset, it can be tempting to eat our emotions. Hear how to take control of emotional eating.
Is My Diet Affecting My Heart Health?
Using crash diets to lose weight quickly can do more harm than good to our heart health. Here are our recommendations on the best diets for healthy hearts.
How to Emotionally Strengthen Relationships
We've all experienced emotional fatigue at some point during the pandemic and it can weigh on our relationships. here are tips how to emotionally reconnect.
How Housing Instability Affects Our Health
Each night, more than 8,300 Michiganders face the possibility of not having a place to go home. Find out how this can cause a cascading effect on one's health.
COVID-19 Vaccine – What We Know
With the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine in the U.S., there are still a lot of questions about what we can expect with the vaccine. Here's what we know.
The Importance of Making Time for Self-Reflection
Aristotle said, "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." Looking within is part of personal growth. Discover how to make the most of self-reflection.
Food Forecast: Diet Trends for 2021
With 2021 right around the corner, we share our predictions of what diet trends we'll see in the new year.
How to Overcome Cabin Fever
Cabin fever can feel like the walls are closing in around us. As we head into winter, here's what we can do to avoid feeling stir crazy, irritable and restless.
How Vaping Affects Your Health
In recent years, vaping has exploded in popularity. It's been touted as a safer form of smoking. but without much evidence, is it really than cigarettes?
How Daylight Savings Affects Our Sleep
The time change is something we experience every year, but it doesn't change the fact that it can disrupt our sleep cycle. here's how to adjust shift.
How Food Insecurity is Contributing to Poor Health
In the past year, 1 in 8 households had difficulty providing food for all members living together. Learn how food insecurity is impacting communities.
How to Handle a Mental Health Crisis
A mental health crisis can happen to people in all walks of life, but they don't have to go it alone if they're struggling. discover how help those in need.
What is Clean Eating?
With clean eating, there's this perception that certain foods may be bad or even dirty. can some actually cleaner than others?
How to Build Resilience
Life brings new challenges at every turn. No matter the obstacle, building resilience in the face of adversity can be powerful for our emotional well-being.
Myths and Misconceptions About Immunization
Understanding immunization can be information overload - both good and bad - causing us to wonder if we should or shouldn't get vaccinated. we unpack that here.
Preparing for Back to School During a Pandemic
A new school year is quickly approaching, yet there's uncertainty as to what that will look like this fall. here's how prepare based on we know.
How to Get Healthy Skin with Diet and Exercise
Good skincare isn't only about what we apply to our skin, but also put into bodies. here are tips on how get healthy skin with diet and exercise.
How to Ease Summer SAD
Seasonal affective disorder isn’t just a winter condition. It can also occur in summer, disrupting your sleep and altering your mood.
The Effects of Isolation on Mental Health
Have you been struggling or thriving during quarantine? Here’s how COVID-19 has changed the way society views mental health.
How to Fight Inflammation with Food
Looking for a natural way to reduce inflammation? Head to your local grocery store to find a healthy remedy.
The Impact of Exercise on Mental Health
Running is more than an exercise, it’s a life saver. Discover how this healthy hobby is changing the scope of mental health care.
Foods That Help Boost Mental Health
Food isn't only for fueling our bodies. it can also impact mood and how we feel on a daily basis. eating these foods help increase mental health.
How to Maximize the Shelf Life of Food
Do you know how long groceries can last? Here are some tips on how to store and preserve your favorite foods.
Best and Worst Foods for Our Teeth
We can be the best at cleaning our teeth, however, food can still have a major impact on our oral health. Acids, carbs and sugars - we'll unpack all that here.
How Much Sugar is Too Much?
These days, it seems sugar is in everything. Whether it’s natural or artificial, too much can lead to serious health problems.
COVID-19: What We Know About the Novel Coronavirus
The global spread of COVID-19 has led to an influx of information leaving many with questions. This is what we currently know about the novel coronavirus.
Guided Mindfulness Meditation
With practice, mindfulness is a skill we can all deepen. Take a moment to be present with yourself through this guided meditation.
How to Practice Mindfulness
Everyone is born with the ability to be mindful. Here's how to remove distractions and reconnect with your inner self.
Benefits of Healthy Snacking
Did you know snacking can be a good thing? Discover how eating between meals can help to improve your diet.
Are Home Workouts Effective?
Home workouts are convenient, but are they effective? Here’s how to improve your health and make a significant change with little to no equipment.
Cholesterol – What Impacts Our Levels?
Cholesterol can have a serious effect on heart health. Here’s how to monitor your levels to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail
Do you have goals for the new year? Before tackling any resolutions, discover how and why most of them fail.
How to Track Your Fitness Progress
Are you starting a new fitness plan? Here’s how to stay motivated while tracking your short and long-term progress.
How Much Sodium is Too Much?
Sodium naturally occurs in most foods. But when consumed in excessive amounts, it can lead to chronic health issues like heart disease.
How to Measure and Manage Portion Sizes
When it comes to food, how much is too much? Here are some tips on how to maintain a balanced diet using portion control.
Are Plant-Based Meats Healthy?
Plant-based meats are quickly becoming a fast food staple. But are they as healthy as everyone says?
Haunted Places in Michigan
Michigan has a rich and storied history of haunted sites. From old restaurants to motels and lighthouses, these lively tales are ready to be told.
How to Boost Your Immune System
Are you prepared for flu season? These simple food hacks can boost your immune system and help fight disease.
Tips to Navigate a Farmers Market
Michigan farmers markets are a treasure trove of in-season produce. Skip your commercial grocer and discover the benefits of buying local.
What is Considered Processed Food?
Most foods undergo some type of processing. Whether it’s minimal or major, it can have a notable effect on your current and long-term health.
Health Benefits of Herbs and Spices
Looking to limit your sodium? Here’s why herbs and spices are a healthier, more flavorful seasoning alternative.
Fitness Plans for Busy Schedules
Struggling to make time for your workouts? Here are some tips on how to fit regular exercise into your busy schedule.
Guide to the Healthiest Cooking Oils
Cooking oil will add flavor to any recipe. But it can also be high in calories and saturated fat. Here’s how to choose the healthiest oil for your next meal.
Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Aging
You can’t turn back time, but you can prepare for the future. With proper diet, exercise and rest, one can slow the signs of aging.
Best Vegetables to Plant in Late Summer
Ready to dust off your green thumb? Discover the best vegetables to plant for a late-summer garden.
Are Eggs Healthy for You?
Are eggs good for you? They're a great source of nutrients, but are linked to serious health conditions like heart disease and high cholesterol.
Hidden Gems to Hike in Michigan
Celebrate 100 years of Michigan’s state parks by exploring the open trail. Discover nature’s treasures, as well as the mental and physical benefits of hiking.
At the Agent Grand Slam Event
[Bonus Episode] Chuck Gaidica attends the Grand Slam Event in Traverse City and talks to agents about what they’re seeing in the health and wellness landscape.
Inside the Mackinac Policy Conference – Part 3
Wrapping his time at the Mackinac Policy Conference, Chuck Gaidica chats with attendees about health initiatives that are impacting the state of Michigan.
Inside the Mackinac Policy Conference – Part 2
Chuck Gaidica is back for another bonus episode to talk to conference attendees about their health journeys at the Mackinac Policy Conference.
Inside the Mackinac Policy Conference – Part 1
On this bonus episode, Chuck Gaidica talks to conference attendees about their health journeys as well as health initiatives that impact their community.
Effects of Social Media on Teens
Social media has become a huge part of our lives. Find out how it's growing presence will impact the next generation.
Identifying Behavioral Health Concerns in Children
Childhood can be an emotional rollercoaster. Here's how to identify behavioral health issues that may signify a more serious problem.
Well-Being for Moms
Motherhood can be a demanding experience. Here are some tips on how busy moms can improve and maintain their well-being.
Mental Health for Caregivers
Are you suffering from caregiver burnout? Learn how to juggle your growing responsibilities, while maintaining your own mental and physical health.
Ways to Improve Financial Well-Being
Take control of your finances with these simple money management tips.
How to Test for Common Food Allergies
How do you know if you have a food allergy? Here are some life-changing tips to help you safely navigate your diet.
National Nutrition Month
Ready to clean up your diet? Discover why National Nutrition Month is the perfect time to embrace healthier habits.
Healthy Fats that are Good for the Heart
Are all fats created equal? Discover the pros and cons of the macronutrient and its effect on the body.
Aerobic vs Anaerobic – What’s the Difference?
Do you know your max heart rate? Discover the origin on this magic number and how it can benefit your workout routine.
How to Create Your Own Workout Plan
Ready to break a sweat? Learn to how to make realistic, sustainable workouts that will deliver long-term results.
Kick Off to a Healthy New Year
Eager to reach your health and fitness goals? Start the new year by gaining a fresh perspective on nutrition.
New Episodes Starting January 10th
A Healthier Michigan Podcast is back with new episodes covering nutrition, fitness and much more!
Guided Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Stress can have a mental and physiological effect on the body. Learn how to regulate muscle tension, while lowering blood pressure with progressive muscle relaxation.
Guided Imagery Meditation
If you can see it, you can believe it. Learn more about guided imagery and its impact on stress management.
Relaxation Techniques for Stress
Inhale serenity and exhale anxiety. With a simple relaxation technique, you can stop stress in its tracks. All you need is 10 minutes and an open mind.
Difference Between Stress and Anxiety
At some point, 50% of us will have a diagnosable mental health condition. We explore the difference between stress and anxiety, and self-screening options.
Benefits of Stress
Stress isn’t always bad. It’s there as a warning sign to help us react to our surroundings. Chuck and Dr. DiFranco discuss how we can benefit from our stress.
What is Stress?
Stress is a very normal reaction. It's there to help us out, which people may find strange. listen chuck gaidica and dr. difranco discuss what is stress.
Finding Balance in Life
Stress is something we carry with us whether it's coming home or going to work. on this episode, we discuss how can find balance in life through resilience.
Wellness Tips for the Workplace
Workplace well-being can positively impact productivity and reduce health care costs when implemented correctly. Listen to our wellness tips for the workplace.
Importance and Health Benefits of Social Interaction
Hanging with friends can equal more than just a good time. Discover the many health benefits of social interaction on A Healthier Michigan Podcast.
Benefits of Journaling and The Positive Impact on Your Health
Rewiring our brain to be positive can help us clear our emotions of negativity. On this episode, we discuss gratitude and the health benefits of journaling.
What Does Physical Well-being Mean?
The key to physical well-being is physical activity, good nutrition and practicing mindfulness. Listen for more tips on how to achieve physical well-being.
The Dimensions of Wellness, and What is Well-being?
Emotional, psychological and social well-being play important roles in our overall health. We explore the dimensions of wellness and explain well-being.
How to Set Goals and Achieve Them
Having a game plan when choosing a health goal can be beneficial in the long run. On this episode, Chuck and Grace discuss how to set goals and achieve them.
How to Meal Prep for Beginners
Meal prepping can sound and feel overwhelming, but in the long run, it can save us time and money. Hear how to start meal prepping with Chuck and Grace.
The Importance of Gut Health
Chuck and Grace discuss why gut health is important for our overall health. A healthy gut can boost immunity, absorb nutrients and lead to better brain health.
Why Diets Don’t Work
There are many different reasons why diets don't work. chuck and grace talk about why that is what we can do to get the most out of our health goals.
Macronutrients vs. Micronutrients and the Five Food Groups
This episode touches on macronutrients vs micronutrients and the five food groups, plus how they all work together.
How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Food
On our first episode, we talk about how to have a healthy relationship with food. We assess our hunger level and understand how we can fuel our body with food.
A Healthier Michigan Podcast is Coming This Summer!
A Healthier Michigan launches a brand new podcast with host Chuck Gaidica covering topics related to nutrition, wellbeing and stress reduction.