
Join host Chuck Gaidica and expert guests as they explore wellness, fitness, mental health, and food and nutrition to help you live a healthier and happier life.

How to Not Let Work Become Your Identity

At times, it can seem like career success is equated with personal fulfillment – we fall into this trap of defining ourselves by our job title. The boundaries between work and life have blurred, especially in recent years with the rise of remote work, making it harder to separate who we are from what we do. But what happens when our careers start to overshadow other aspects of our lives and maybe even health? How can we take back our sense of self that isn’t solely tied to our 9-to-5?


How to Reduce Stigma Around Mental Health

Mental health stigma remains a significant barrier to seeking support and accessing effective care. Despite growing awareness, individuals struggling with mental health challenges often face negative stereotypes and misconceptions that discourage them from reaching out for help. This stigma can manifest in various ways and affect societal attitudes. So, what steps can one take to overcome these barriers and effectively reduce stigma?


How to Slow Down Your Biological Age

When it comes to age, some feel younger than the number they are turning on their birthday. While this might seem more psychological than physical, there’s been research that shows certain lifestyle changes may slow biological aging by six years. It seems like something out of fiction to reverse aging (to an extent). So, what can we do to improve, slow down, or even reverse our biological age?


How to Overcome Perfectionism

Voltaire has been quoted saying “perfect is the enemy of good.” For those that strive for perfection, you might find settling for good enough easier said than done. Accepting anything less might feel like a failure. If we constantly see imperfections as unacceptable, how does that impact our well-being? How do we pinpoint if we’re obsessing over perfectionism on a constant basis, and more importantly, how do we address it?

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Michigan Bucket List: Fall Edition

As the summer heat gives way to the crisp, cool air of autumn, Michigan transforms into a breathtaking tapestry of vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows. Known for its stunning natural beauty and diverse landscapes, the Great Lakes State offers a plethora of picturesque destinations perfect for fall travel. From charming small towns to tranquil lakeshores, Michigan’s fall season provides a unique blend of scenic sights and outdoor activities that we’ll uncover on today’s episode.

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How to Get Out of a Funk

It’s likely we’ve all experienced sadness and lack of motivation for days at some point. During those times, it seems like we tend to keep to ourselves and avoid others. And for those that have experienced being in a funk, you know that it does eventually pass on its own and you get back to the day to day. But are there ways we can be proactive to get ourselves out of a funk sooner?

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Benefits of Adult Timeouts

Life is full of hustle and bustle. It doesn’t matter if you are single, married, young, old, have 3 kids or no kids. Life just gets busier and busier with each passing day. Between family life, work and daily responsibilities, it’s important to take a break every now and then to give yourself some breathing space. With so much time focused on taking care of others and work, it can be easy to forget about taking time for ourselves. So, could giving ourselves adult timeouts be beneficial for our wellbeing?


Skincare Products to Avoid This Summer

For the most part, a skincare routine should be something that’s constant. A cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen are the basics for any skincare routine; however, some may add additional products to their routine. And with summer here, some products might leave us more susceptible to the sun. So, what skincare products should we be avoiding during the summer months?


Benefits of Michigan Summer Fruit

Michigan is home to quite a few fruits that are available to pick in the summer months. From cherries to raspberries, you’ll likely find it at a Michigan u-pick farm. So, what should we be looking out for when picking Michigan fruit and how can we ensure we’re getting the most out of our fresh produce this summer?

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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