Niccole LaDue

I'm on a mission to improve the lives of those around me as well as my own health and well-being. Wellness is a journey, not a destination and I hope that by sharing my experiences with you, I can help make your journey a little easier. I enjoy good food, good fun, and all things fitness.
Food and Recipes

The Strawberry: Nature’s Heart-Shaped Superfood

Strawberries are also a great source of fiber, vitamins, manganese and potassium. In fact, about eight strawberries have more vitamin C than an orange!

A bushel full of strawberries.

Give the Gift of Heart Health this Valentine’s Day

Make your Valentine’s Day celebrations heart-healthy this year!

Couple having fun skating on the ice.

Listen up ladies! It’s time to make your health a priority!

Are you a well-woman? If not, then it’s time to take charge of your health and become one!


16 Gym Bag Essentials: Your Must-Have Checklist

What’s in your gym bag? Use this checklist to ensure you’re prepared for a great workout.

gym bag essentials

5 Exercises You Can Do Without a Gym

Many exercises, both cardiovascular and strength-focused, can be done in the comfort of your own home, without any equipment except your own body.

Exercise with bodyweight
Food and Recipes

4 Reasons To Go Nuts For Coconuts

Coconut seems to be a hot nutrition trend that isn’t going away. That’s probably because it is such a versatile fruit, or is it a nut…or a seed? Whatever it is…

Food and Recipes

6 Ways to Avoid Temptation at the Grocery Store

Imagine this…it’s five o’clock in the afternoon and you’re leaving work and heading to the grocery store. You’re tired from a long day and hungry…

Food and Recipes

Meal Planning 101: Nine Tips for Success

My life has been pretty chaotic lately. New house. New puppy. New classes. New jobs. Yikes! With everything my husband and I have had going on…

Home and Family

Back to School Immunizations: The Key to Keeping Your Child Healthy this School Year

Learn more about why vaccinations can help your students stay healthy in and out of the classroom.

Little boy having a medical ear examination. The smiling boy is aged 7. The doctor is vising boy at home and using otoscope to examine the boy's ear.
Food and Recipes

A healthy twist on your favorite BBQ condiments

If you’ve been looking for healthier, homemade versions of your favorite condiments then you’ve come to the right place. Grilling can be a very healthy way to…


Summer is Here: Practice These Summer Safety Tips!

Summer is a time to relax, just make sure you're keeping these tips in mind to stay safe.

four pairs of flip flops on the edge of the pool

7 weird but challenging exercises you should try!

There are some very strange exercises out there, but which ones should you try? Although the 7 exercises below may have a funky name, they are effective and…


Stress getting the best of you? Try these stress-relieving techniques

S t r e s s. The word alone is irritating. Everyone has stress, but some people seem to manage it better than others. It’s important to understand and regularly…

Food and Recipes

Reaching for a diet pop to quench your thirst? Your heart might be a reason to rethink that choice

Could regular consumption of diet soda lead to heart problems for postmenopausal women? According to a recent study by Ankur Vyas, M.D., a cardiologist at the…


79 million Americans have prediabetes, are you one of them?

This blog post is part of #HealthyMe, a personalized web experience based on your health and wellness goals. To sign up today, visit http://www.


Do you know your risk for colorectal cancer?

This blog post is part of #HealthyMe, a personalized web experience based on your health and wellness goals. To sign up today, visit http://www.


Can a simple act of kindness make you a happier person?

People all over the world are becoming RAKtivists™ by performing random acts of kindness for others. If you’ve never heard of random acts of kindness…


Women: Pumping iron can help your heart pump better too!

How many times have you seen it…you open up your latest women’s exercise magazine and you see a tall, skinny, frail-looking model lifting 5-pound dumbbells…


Is the Polar Vortex keeping you indoors? Try these at home exercises to stay warm

There are many indoor exercises you can do without any additional equipment. Read more to learn about them.


Half of the women diagnosed with cervical cancer have missed this exam. Did you schedule yours?

This blog post is part of #HealthyMe, a personalized web experience based on your health and wellness goals. To sign up today, visit http://www.

Food and Recipes

This superfood isn’t just for the holidays

Cranberries are often thought of as a holiday-only fruit. We see them served alongside turkey for Thanksgiving and they’re even used as a decorative accent…

Food and Recipes

Managing diabetes during the holidays: 10 tips for a healthier holiday season

‘Tis the season for holiday celebrations and having diabetes shouldn’t stop you from fully enjoying the festivities. The most important part in managing…


Raising diabetes awareness by defining key terms

Diabetes is a serious disease that affects nearly 26 million Americans with another 79 million at risk. Education is an essential part in raising awareness…

Diabetes Word Cloud

Five Ways to Prevent Diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes. Another 79 million Americans have…


Can a cup of coffee a day keep prostate cancer away?

Is that morning cup-a-joe providing protection against prostate cancer? New research out of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle says it’s a…


When is the last time you had your cholesterol checked?

When is the last time you had your cholesterol checked? If you can’t remember, maybe it’s time. September is National Cholesterol Education Month and is the…

Food and Recipes

Drop the pop! 5 Tips to Reduce Your Soda Consumption

In fact, most Americans know that soda is bad for them and that it contributes to obesity. So why do many of us continue to gulp it down?

soda pop

My water station revelation: Don’t let stress get the best of you.

I had a revelation yesterday while I was filling up my water bottle at work. I noticed while I was waiting I was tense, irritated, and furiously tapping my foot.

Food and Recipes

July is Weight Management Month. Eat to live, don’t live to eat.

July is Weight Management month and we’re celebrating by sharing some stories of individuals who have made a healthy change in their lifestyle!

Cindy before
Food and Recipes

July is Weight Management month: Remembering the lesser of two evils is still evil

July is Weight Management month and we’re celebrating by sharing some stories of individuals who have made a healthy change in their lifestyle.

Jennifer Fry before after

July is Weight Management Month. Find some inspiration here!

July is Weight Management month and we're celebrating by sharing some stories of individuals who have made a healthy change in their lifestyle!

Amy Howell before.

Improve your health, fatten your wallet, help your local economy

As consumers, we are very fortunate. Thanks to large grocery store chains, we have almost every food imaginable available right at our fingertips.


June is National Safety Month: Be safe this summer

Summertime…A joyous season filled with sunny days at the beach, pool parties and barbecuing, but it’s not always all fun and games.

No Lifeguard on Duty Sign

A DIY guide to asthma-proofing your home

Asthma affects more than 34 million people in the United States, and is one of the most common long-term diseases of children. Asthma symptoms, such as coughing…


May is Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month: Are asthma triggers hiding in your home?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that 1 in 11 children and 1 in 12 adults have asthma. Asthma is a very serious condition that many…


April showers bring May flowers…and allergies!

The many beauties and wonders of spring are fast approaching. Warmer weather, longer days and budding trees fill us with joy and happiness…


Trying to find balance in your life? Yoga might be the answer!

There are many different styles of yoga. Try one of these four to find a better life balance.

aerial yoga, different types of yoga, yoga varieties, yoga

Are you ready for The 100 Push-up Challenge?

The good ol’ push-up. We’ve all had experiences with push-ups, some may be better than others. My experience with push-ups goes back to my elementary days.


Want to lower your cancer risk? What you put on your plate matters

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness month, and like with many other cancers, what you eat can minimize your risk of contracting the disease.


I wear blue. Why should you?

March 1st has been declared National Dress in Blue Day to raise awareness for colorectal cancer, but raising awareness shouldn’t end there.


Exercising in the cold outdoors: 8 tips to keep you warm and safe

As Michiganders, we know that the winter months can bring unpredictable weather. Lately Mother Nature has been gracing us with frigid temperatures, ice and snow.

Food and Recipes

So, you’re thinking about becoming vegetarian? Here are 6 things you should know

When I tell people I’m a vegetarian it doesn’t take long for the questions to start piling in. Why do you do it? Do you get enough protein? What do you even eat?


January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, become an advocate to help protect the women you love

Every year, approximately 12,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is almost always preventable and when diagnosed early…


SMART planning for a healthy 2013

It’s a new year and for many a new year means New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately many of those resolutions are forgotten about by February, but what if you…

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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