Carly Getz
6 steps for adjusting to your new role as a caregiver
Here are some little things you can do that will make caregiving for an elderly parent a little easier for everyone.
Explore Detroit’s Emerging Food and Drink Culture Through Dine Drink Detroit
Calling all food, wine and craft beer lovers! Dine Drink Detroit is back with 10 days of awesome food and drink specials from 15 local restaurants and bars.
How I Met My #HealthyMe Goal Through Improving My Oral Health
I lay in the dentist chair for my first appointment since I had been diagnosed with gum disease. Mouth open, I watched my dentist as she pressed a cool metal…
Not a Meat-Lover? Hit Your Protein Goals with Beans
A few months ago, I started using a food tracker app called My Fitness Pal. One of my favorite things about this app is that it looks at the full nutritional…
Nine ways to stay fit for free
There's a ton of free ways to make sure your fitness goals don't fall to the curb.
Morning Workout Tips for First-Timers
Squeezing any type of fitness into your morning makes a huge difference. Here's how I did it.
How to make spicy tuna rolls at home
Ever since I had my first California Roll, sushi has been my favorite food. From simple veggie rolls to the more complicated Futomaki-style rolls, I love it all.
Are you making these brushing mistakes?
After I was diagnosed with gum disease, I quickly became obsessed with my oral health. The more I learned, the more I realized how much I was doing wrong.
Help Detroit set a world record at Yoga Rocks Ford Field
Get ready, Detroit. We’re about to set a world record. On Saturday, February 22, organizers of Yoga Rocks Ford Field hope to gather 3,000…
What happens in your mouth can hurt your body
This blog post is part of #HealthyMe, a personalized web experience based on your health and wellness goals. To sign up today, visit http://www.
The average American puts on 50% of their yearly weight gain during the holidays. Will you?
It’s no secret that the holiday season is a tough time of year for people looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In fact, the average American puts on one…
Make fitness a game kids will play on their own
Nearly one in three 10- to 17-year-olds in Michigan are overweight or obese, enough kids to fill Ford Field to full capacity almost seven times.
Four gift ideas for the fitness enthusiast in your life
‘Tis the season – of gift shopping! Over the next few weeks, most of us will be scrambling to find gifts for our family and friends.
Prevent Diabetes by Making Kids Love to Exercise
Diabetes is no longer just a problem for adults. The disease is being diagnosed in children with even greater frequency today than ever before…
Did you know? Lung cancer can affect anyone.
This blog post is part of #HealthyMe, a personalized web experience based on your health and wellness goals. To sign up today, visit http://www.
Don’t be that guy. Take control of your health this Movember.
It is no secret that prevention saves lives. But do you let it save yours? Men are 100 percent less likely than women to visit a doctor for annual exams and…
How to travel without bringing home extra pounds
With one billion tourists, 2012 was a record breaking year for international tourism. Each day, the world becomes more connected. For many of us…
Know your health numbers and understand what they mean
A few weeks ago I went to my doctor to get my “numbers” checked for the first time. As you may know, “numbers” in the health care world refers to key health…
A man’s checklist to a healthy Movember
If you haven’t heard, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is asking men across the state to grow mustaches to encourage each other to take control of their…
Do you know the symptoms for male cancers?
This blog post is part of #HealthyMe, a personalized web experience based on your health and wellness goals. To sign up today, visit http://www.
African American patients need you
When people need blood transfusion or bone marrow, the best match comes from someone within their own ethnic group. While donations from all ethnic groups are…
Are you genetically predisposed for breast cancer?
This blog post is part of #HealthyMe, a personalized web experience based on your health and wellness goals. To sign up today, visit http://www.
Recommended Food Servings Based on Calories
Visual representations of the recommended daily servings in a food group are seen throughout the world. Whether it be the old food pyramid or the new MyPlate…
7 tips for helping you cope with your cancer diagnosis
It happens all of the sudden. A routine doctor’s appointment turns into cancer. You’re shocked, scared, hurt and angry all at once. Nothing in life prepares you…
#MITrailsWeek: Get outside and go hiking this week!
Try out a few of Michigan's Thousands of miles of trails during this years Trails Week!
Help the Tigers Pink Out the Park
Leave your orange and blue at home for tomorrow’s Detroit Tigers game! The Tigers and the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute have teamed up for the Second…
Why should you incorporate more fiber in your diet?
Fiber tends to be one of those things that people glance over when reading nutrition facts. Most of us have a vague idea that it helps with digestion…
Sodium: How much is too much?
We know we shouldn’t have too much sodium. But what is “too much”?
Six iPhone fitness apps that could change your health
Fitness apps have come a long way from simply tracking distance ran or calorie intake. A recent DigitalTrends.com article compiled a list of intriguing and…
Cooling down after a workout: worthwhile practice or waste of time?
You glance at the treadmill screen that shows you have 60 seconds left of your workout. You pick up the pace, pushing through, until a small beep lets you know…
New to running? Make a 5k your first goal
Every year, temperatures rise and streets fill up as people venture outside for their workout. I’ve always been jealous of the fit runners effortlessly passing…