Morning Workout Tips for First-Timers

Carly Getz
| 2 min read

My boss has always done the whole morning workout thing. She comes into work at 7:30 a.m. with 10,000 steps and what seems like a million burpees, squats and push-ups under her belt.
How does she do it? Even if I was able to drag myself out of bed that early, there’s no way I would opt for the gym of all places.
I had a million excuses. It’s too hard to get out of bed. My hair takes too long to dry. I have to work mornings – I won’t have time to get ready.
A few weeks ago, one of my friends asked me to try a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) class with her one Friday morning at 5:30 a.m. I groaned. There is no way.
But then she said a few things:
- We’ll go together. Pick me up at 5:15. You’ll be able to get up because you’ll know I’m counting on you to get me.
- Sleep in your workout clothes. It’s easier if you can just roll out of bed, grab a water bottle and head out the door before you change your mind.
- Pick your work outfit the night before. Try to avoid having to make even the easiest decisions to save yourself time in the morning.
- Try an easy up-do. If your hair takes too long to blow-dry after showering, don’t blow-dry. Find a style, like a bun, that hides wet hair so you only have to spend a few minutes drying the top layer.
And guess what? I did it. I slept in my workout clothes, picked her up at 5:15, took a HIIT class that kicked my butt and was able to get to work early because everything was already set out and ready.
I felt great. Better than great. All that stuff they say about morning workouts is true. I didn’t need my morning coffee and I felt more productive throughout the day. I didn’t feel guilty about wanting to hang out with friends after work, because I had already gotten my workout in.
I now mix 1-2 morning workouts into my weekly routine as part of my #HealthyMe. Sometimes it’s just a run or an apartment workout, but it doesn’t matter. Squeezing any type of fitness into your morning makes a huge difference.
Still don’t believe me? Test yourself, just once. But don’t be surprised when you’re hooked!
Photo Credit: Mark Jensen
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