How to Cook Fresh Pasta

| 1 min read

Medically reviewed by Shanthi Appelo, MS, RD
Total Time:
25 minutes
Prep Time:
20 minutes
Cooking Difficulty:
Serving Amount
1 cup fresh pasta
2 cups water
salt, if desired
Step 1
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Use a 2:1 ratio of cups to water to cups of pasta. Since fresh pasta cooks shorter than dry pasta, a higher level of salt is suggested for cooking fresh pasta. Add salt according to preference and heath needs.
Step 2
After the water comes to a boil, gently add the pasta in. Stir in the beginning and continuously to avoid clumping or sticking because it is more likely with fresh pasta.
Step 3
Boil pasta for 2 to 5 minutes until it reaches your desired consistency. A good indicator that pasta is almost done is when the noodles begin floating to the top of the pot. It should be tender but not mushy.
Step 4
After the pasta is cooked, turn off the heat and drain the water from the pasta using a strainer. Fresh pasta is softer and more delicate than dried pasta when cooked so be careful when straining and handling the cooked pasta. Pair with your favorite sauce or seasonings and enjoy.