How to Cook Brown Rice

| 1 min read

Medically reviewed by Shanthi Appelo, MS, RD
How to Cook Brown Rice on a Stovetop
Total Time:
45 minutes
Prep Time:
5 minutes
Cooking Difficulty:
Serving Amount
2 cups water
1 cup brown rice
1 tablespoon butter or oil
salt, if desired
Step 1
Rinse brown rice with cold water using a fine mesh colander or strainer. Rinsing rice removes some of the starch that's on the outside of the grains. This is especially important if you're using short-grain rice, which is particularly starchy. When you clean rice with water, the grains become more fluffy and less gummy or sticky. It will also help prevent it from sticking to the pot.
Step 2
Add water and rice to a large pot and bring it to a boil. Use a 2:1 ratio of cups of water to cups of brown rice. While optional, adding salt to rice while cooking can enhance its flavor. Salt according to personal preference and health needs.
Step 3
Lower heat to a simmer and cook rice covered for 40 minutes or until the water is absorbed.
Step 4
After about 40 minutes, check to see if the water has been absorbed. If it looks good, remove the pot from heat and leave it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes keeping the pot covered.
Step 5
Uncover the rice, fluff with a fork and serve as desired.
How to Cook Brown Rice in a Rice Cooker
Total Time:
55 minutes
Prep Time:
5 minutes
Cooking Difficulty:
Serving Amount
2 cups water
1 cup brown rice
salt, if desired
Step 1
Rinse brown rice with cold water in a colander or strainer. Rinsing rice removes some of the starch that's on the outside of the grains. This is especially important if you're using short-grain brown rice, which is particularly starchy. When you clean rice with water, the grains become more fluffy and less gummy or sticky.
Step 2
Use a 2:1 ratio of cups of water to cups of brown rice. While optional, adding salt to rice while cooking can enhance its flavor. Add salt according to personal preference and health needs.
Step 3
Close the lid, turn the rice cooker on and close the steam value.
Step 4
Consult the cooker’s instructions to choose the best setting for the rice and let it cook for the specified time. Most rice cookers have a pre-set program that turns the appliance off automatically according to the setting you’ve chosen. Use the “brown rice” setting if an option. In general, brown rice should be cooked on high for about 50 minutes in a rice cooker.
Step 5
When the brown rice is finished cooking, turn off the rice cooker. Open the steam valve, keeping face and hands away from it, and let the rice rest in the cooker for 10 to 15 minutes with the lid on.
Step 6
After the rice has rested, remove the lid and use a spatula to mix the rice and remove any lingering moisture to give the rice a fluffier texture.