3 Elevated Grilled Cheese Recipes
Shanthi Appelo
| 2 min read
Grilled cheese sandwiches have long held a cherished spot in the hearts and stomachs of many, not just kids. In fact, according to a 2019 YouGov survey, grilled cheese reigns as the most popular sandwich among Americans.
When it comes to crafting a healthier grilled cheese, the choices you make regarding cheese and bread can significantly impact its nutritional profile. Opt for whole grain bread, with whole wheat or another flour as the first ingredient, over white bread to add a dose of fiber and essential nutrients like B vitamins and iron.
While cheese is often a good source of calcium and some protein to support bone health and more, its sodium and saturated fat content can be harmful to heart health when consumed in excess over time. Read labels and opt for cheeses lower in saturated fat and sodium. In general, mozzarella, goat and Swiss cheeses are good choices. But that doesn’t mean that other cheeses should be off the table, instead consume them in moderation and limit portion sizes.
The fat used to sauté the sandwich also matters. While oils fluid at room temperature are calorically similar to butter, their fat profile is heart healthier. Consider skipping the butter and opting for olive oil. The use of spray oils can help to distribute the oil more evenly and reduce the amount used, thus cutting down on calories.
Step beyond the traditional bread-and-cheddar combo and explore these three elevated grilled cheese recipes:
This recipe puts a sense of class into a grilled cheese. The bitterness of the Brie cheese is perfectly accompanied by the fig jam. If you don’t have fig jam, any other type of jam will provide a hint of sweetness to cut the bitterness.
In this recipe, melty fresh mozzarella alongside your favorite pasta sauce and Italian herbs come together for pizza flavors without the effort. In general, mozzarella is lower in sodium and calories than other cheeses, making it a heart healthier option.
This recipe has that kick of buffalo everyone loves – the tang from the vinegar and the kick of heat from cayenne. Both the avocado and jack cheese adds a creamy component that literally makes this a melt-in-your-mouth meal.