Ken Dallafior

Ken Dallafior is Senior Vice President, Group Business and Corporate Marketing at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM). Dallafior leads BCBSM's group sales force, oversees corporate marketing and product development, and develops and implements key corporate strategies. He also provides leadership to critical sales operations such as agent relations and commissions, sales incentives and complex issue resolution for group customers and sales agents. In addition to working in the insurance industry for nearly two decades, Dallafior played professional football from 1982 to 1992. He is founder and board member of the Detroit Lions Courage House.

Wellness Resolutions for Small Business Owners for 2015

When it comes to your business, prosperity and health are more closely connected than you might think. Here’s how to boost employees’ health.

create healthier employees

The #1 mistake most employees make

Hoping to score a big promotion this year? The smartest thing you can do is to turn off your smartphone late at night. It seems like the opposite would be true…

The top mistake employees make
Food and Recipes

The easy secret to healthy snacking at the office

Time: 4 p.m. Location: Your desk Stomach: Growling When afternoon hunger hits at work, and it always does, it can be tough to resist the siren call of the…

Simple ways to snack healthy

5 ways to de-stress at work

Everyone experiences stress at one point or another in their jobs. Here are five ways to quickly go from riled up to relaxed in a flash.


Health risk assessments: The first step to making better lifestyle choices

Old habits, especially the bad ones, die hard. But the hard truth is that many people need to change their lifestyle behaviors in order to get healthy.

Pen & paper

Seven habits of successful wellness programs

Although there’s considerable evidence that health and wellness programs reduce costs and improve employee productivity, other research has raised questions about their effectiveness. So what makes some programs flourish while others wither? More importantly, what should your company do to get optimal value from your health and wellness efforts?

Number 7

Did you hear the one about laughter being good for your health?

Discover how laughter has both psychological and physiological benefits.


Don’t just sit there. Yoga while you work!

Doing yoga at work is one of the best ways to exercise in your office. Learn how to exercise at your desk with easy yoga moves from Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Food and Recipes

Banish the blahs! Five food tips for all-day energy at work

Blue Cross Blue Shield covers five tips for choosing energy foods to get you through the day. Discover the best foods for energy and brain power today.

Food and Recipes

How to cut down on coffee in the office

Here are some healthier alternatives to drinking coffee while you're at the office.

coffee steam

Football fans: Use the workplace for preseason training

Ready for some football? It’s a great time of year for all fans in Michigan. Glorious fall weekends await and your favorite team – whether pro…


Seriously, have some fun at work

Remember as a kid and spending hours a day playing with your friends? Now compare that experience with a typical day at your workplace. Notice any difference?

Food and Recipes

Got water?

Exercise and nutrition are the cornerstones of wellness programs. But there’s actually something more important to your good health that we all take for granted…


Need talent? Don’t forget to leverage your wellness program

Your employees understand you’re concerned about their health and well-being. But what about potential employees whom you would like to join your team?


Finding the right work/life balance

“My work is my life.” How many times have you heard a Type A business owner proudly and defiantly make such a comment? Of course, running a business is not a 9…

Food and Recipes

“Keen” cuisine: How to increase mental productivity and self-control

We all know productivity requires both energy and control. A manufacturing plant needs power to operate and process controls to ensure efficiency. Your car won’…


Six ways to boost employee morale

It’s an established fact: Healthier employees = happier, more productive employees. As we wrote in an earlier post, research from the Michigan Journal of Public…


Five trends in wellness program incentives

Sometimes, we all need a little push to get motivated. To be honest, some of us need a big shove. Especially if we’re trying to change our behaviors. That’s why…

Food and Recipes

How to fend off unhealthy “snack attacks” at work

Guess what’s replaced baseball as the national pastime? Snacking. We all do it, most of us more often than we like. Snacks currently provide about 25%

Food and Recipes

Have a heart healthy day in the office

February is Heart Health Month and a perfect time for a reminder that we all need to treat our hearts with a little TLC. Kick-off healthy eating habits with…


Employee fatigue costs companies $136 billion each year

You might be familiar with this famous quote from NFL Hall of Fame football coach Vince Lombardi: “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.” But were you aware employee…


Five ways to stay active and cure the winter blahs

It can get hard to remain active during the cold winter months, however these tips will keep you moving until spring breaks through.


What’s hot in 2013? Health and wellness

Businesses of all sizes are seeing the light: Healthy employees mean higher productivity, lower health costs, better morale and a healthier bottom line.


Five reasons why business owners should take real vacations

Here’s a wellness question most small business owners never thought about at all in 2012: Did you give yourself enough time to recharge? In other words…

Food and Recipes

Christmas treats for your office: Healthy alternatives to beat the sweets this holiday season

The recent news Hostess Brands is shutting down reminds us that, when it comes to snacking, our past is littered with guilty pleasures. What was your favorite…


DIY wellness: Ideas and tips to get you started

As we wrote about in an earlier post, wellness programs are a win-win for you and your employees. To recap: Even though wellness programs have such a positive…


Seven tips to de-stress during the holidays

Excited about the holidays? We all know how we’re supposed to respond to that question – “Of course!” But the fact is, as much as we love spending time with…


From dread to shredded? Try this holiday shopping workout

Does the thought of shopping at malls during the holiday season make you want to scream “Bah, humbug!”? You’re not alone. According to a Consumer Reports survey…


Party hearty! Try “The Luck of the Pot” this holiday season

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy – and your office a dull place. The holidays are the perfect time for an office party to bring some fun and good…


Wellness in the workplace: simple “desk-ercises” for you and your employees

Has this ever happened to you at work? Your muscles stiffen. Your jaw clenches. Your back aches. You become too stressed to think. When these things happen, don’…


A Thanksgiving reminder: Gratitude is the best attitude

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. “ — John F.


Things you should know about your aging workforce

Your workforce is getting older and it is important to know these fast facts to adapt.

Aging workforce

The connection between health and employee productivity

As a small business owner, you know down to a penny exactly what you pay for your employees’ medical and pharmacy costs. And you diligently monitor their impact…


Take a break and get moving! Stretching tips for deskbound employees

Swim or die. That’s life as a shark, at least according to conventional wisdom. (In reality, some shark species can take a break and still survive.) Thankfully…


Health reform: The basics for small businesses

It’s complicated. That’s one thing that everyone can agree on about health reform. But as new provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act…

Food and Recipes

Candy’s not dandy: Treat your employees to something healthier this Halloween

Jack-o-lanterns and crones. Goblins and ghouls. Haunted houses and pumpkin patches. Like every holiday, Halloween is chock-full of traditions.


Wellness programs: Good for employees, even better for your business

Healthcare’s been all over the news the last few years and will continue to be a hotly debated topic through November. But no matter what your political…


Excessive sitting can be hazardous to employees’ health

In some offices, people will brag about being chained to their desks. After all, employees who spend long hours focused on doing their work are more likely to…

Food and Recipes

The Morning Meal’s Impact on Productivity

Productivity at Work Starts with the Right Breakfast A healthy breakfast is like the a.m. version of spinach, only tastier. We know it’s good for us – according…

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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This Web site provides general educational information on health-related issues and provides access to health-related resources for the convenience of our users. This site and its health-related information and resources are not a substitute for professional medical advice or for the care that patients receive from their physicians or other health care providers.
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