How to video: Monitoring your blood sugar level
Registered Dietician
| 2 min read

Regularly checking your blood sugar level is one of the most important steps anyone with diabetes can take in order to manage and control the disease. Testing your blood sugar level can also help you respond to certain issues, such as high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), allowing you to quickly respond and make the necessary adjustments. Additionally, regularly testing your blood sugar can help you learn how certain foods and exercise routines affect your blood sugar numbers. The following are steps to take to properly test your blood sugar level:
- Wash your hands thoroughly with hot water. Dry them properly too.
- If your hands are still cold, try sitting on them to warm them up a bit to make sure you have an adequate amount of blood flowing to the hands and fingers.
- Place the lancet (the needle into the glucose meter).
- Place the meter to your skin, ideally towards the side of the padding of the finger to avoid unnecessary pain.
- Place the drop of blood to the test strip as directed by your meter.
- Record the reading and keep a log for your doctor and bring to all appointments.
- Be sure to dispose of the lancet (needle) in a sharps container and away from the reach of children.
Remember that before you starting to use any glucose monitor always make sure it is calibrated properly according to the directions that come with your meter. This will assure for accurate blood sugar readings. Be sure to watch and share the video below to learn, and to help others learn, the proper way to test one’s blood sugar level!
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Photo Credit: Michael Miller, A Healthier Michigan