5 Tips for Surviving Allergy Season

A Healthier Michigan

| 2 min read

How to survive allergy season
Warm weather has finally arrived in Michigan bringing fresh grass, blooming flowers and budding trees. While it’s exciting to head outside and enjoy nature, the change in season also means allergies. The Food and Drug Administration estimates that more than 30 million people in the United States deal with spring and fall allergies.
On top of that, Michigan has one of the most active allergy seasons. Don’t let sneezing and itchy eyes keep you inside. Instead, try these five easy tips to nip your symptoms in the bud:
Allergen levels are higher during the early part of the day, so schedule your yard work or outdoor activities for the afternoon.
Seasonal allergens come from outside, so keeping your windows and doors shut will help reduce the amount of pollen entering your car and home.
When you do spend time outside, especially while doing yard work, wear protective eye gear or a filter mask. Be sure to wash your hair and clothes to avoid bringing the pollen in your home.
Websites like pollen.com provide information on current allergen levels. Schedule your outdoor tasks for days when the pollen count will be lower and make sure to take allergy medications if the count is high.
It might not just be seasonal allergens causing your symptoms. Dust mites, which often live in bedding, are one of the biggest causes of indoor allergies. Wash your sheets at least once a week in water that is 130 degrees or higher to get rid of the microscopic mites.
The severity and scope of allergies varies from person-to-person, so anyone who sufferers from symptoms should seek out medical advice from a primary care physician or specialist.

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A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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