8 Ways to Start (and End!) your Day on a Healthy Note
| 3 min read

Sticking to healthy habits day in and day out can be hard, but can be easier with the right morning and nighttime routines in place. A few simple tasks at the beginning and end of every day can set you up for success (and health!) all day long. Here’s how to create a routine that makes being healthy a no-brainer:
At night:
- Pack a healthy lunch (and prep breakfast) before going to bed. Not only do these tasks save you time in the morning, but they also ensure you aren’t grabbing an unhealthy breakfast or fast food for lunch. You can prepare a healthy breakfast in advance like oatmeal or breakfast risotto. For lunch, check out these creative recipes for brown-bagging it. One quick tip: If you’re bringing a salad, keep the dressing in a small container on the side to avoid wilted greens.
- Pick out tomorrow’s clothes. It’s no good starting the day frantically trying to figure out what to wear, so take the stress out of your mornings by selecting an outfit in advance. And don’t stop there, pick out your workout gear. Pack your gym bag with everything you’ll need—it will make it that much easier to exercise the next day.
- De-clutter your space for 15 minutes. Waking up to clutter only adds to your stress, so try tidying up your room a bit before you hit the hay. Clearing clutter not only reduces your stress, but can also help you make healthier choices. A calm space lends to a calm mind.
- Turn off your electronics. While you’re unwinding before bed, turn off your electronics. Pick up a book or do something relaxing for 30 minutes before you fall asleep for the night like listening to calming music or meditating. Getting a good night’s rest is key to having a healthy day.
- Take a few minutes to jot things down. Journaling is a great way to get in touch with yourself, so spend a few minutes at night reflecting on the past 24 hours. One easy way to do this is to list a few things you’re grateful for or the one thing that made you happy that day.
In the morning:
- Wake up early to get a workout in. We know you’ve heard this one before, but getting your exercise done in the morning can wake up your body and energize you for the day. If you’re completely new to this, try it a few days of the week to start and slowly increase how often you do it. Push back your alarm by 5 minutes every day until you reach your desired wake time.
- Focus your positive energy for a few quiet minutes. Studies show that regular meditation may help to lower blood pressure, boost the immune system and help relieve stress and fatigue. Take some quiet moments to yourself after you wake up to focus your positive and optimistic energy for the day.
- Listen to your favorite tunes. Sounds can affect your mood, so why not hit play on a happy song while you’re getting ready. Researchers have found that uplifting music makes you feel more positive and optimistic for how things are going to go that day.
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Photo credit: beowabbit