How to Refresh for Spring
Shandra Martinez
| 3 min read

It’s almost that time again when you notice the daylight starts to last a little longer. The sun feels like it’s shining a little brighter. Breezes don’t feel as harsh. As winter fades into the first tentative weeks of spring, many people feel excited about this transition to a gentler, warmer season. And while spring earns a reputation for being a time of rebirth, there’s no need to do anything drastic. Think about it more like a window when you get to recast different areas of your life. We’re sharing tips for how you can refresh for spring.
Like every season, there are two ways to mark the beginning. Meteorological spring starts March 1 every year. It’s based on the Earth’s temperature cycles. But the first day of spring is typically a few weeks later, when the vernal equinox occurs. This year, that falls on March 20. So whichever date you choose to celebrate, here are some ways to kick off spring by refreshing your lifestyle.
If your New Year’s resolutions tied to workouts have melted with the snow, don’t despair. Spring is a great time to make fresh commitments to getting in shape. With more daylight in the schedule, outdoor exercise is easier to fit in, especially after work. Here are some ideas to get started:
- Commit to at least three after-dinner walks each week. Invite a friend or family member to keep it fun, or queue up your favorite audiobook and bring your earbuds.
- Signing up for a spring workout class? Prep at home by doing some yoga, pilates or other regular stretching a few days before. This helps if you’ve been hibernating all winter.
- Make time for a new sport. Try pickleball, indoor rock climbing, or joining a weight-lifting class.
Spring wardrobe
If you’ve stowed away your spring and summer pieces, don’t just automatically layer them back into your drawers and closets. Go through each item. Do you still love it and plan to wear it? Does it fit? If you answer no to anything, donate it. Vow not to keep things you likely won’t wear.
Spring cleaning
The same principles apply to unused items clogging your closet shelves, piled up in the garage or stashed under your bed. If you haven’t used it in the last year, it’s time to rehome it. This at-home donation drive will make keeping your living spaces uncluttered a lot easier for the rest of the season.
Eat seasonally
It might be a little early for your local farmer’s market, but it’s definitely time to embrace seasonal eating. Deciding to add the freshest foods growing in your area into your weekly menus will give your diet a healthy boost. Tempt your palate with tangy microgreens, fresh asparagus, baby herb plants for cooking, tender peas, strawberries and garlic scapes.
Protect your face
If you’ve spent the winter slathering on moisturizer to keep dry skin at bay, now it’s time to think about springtime protection. Guard against damage from the sun’s rays by making daily sunscreen part of your routine. And don’t forget a good pair of sunglasses and even a sunhat for those long walks outside. Soaking up some springtime sun is fine as long as you protect yourself.
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