5 Things to Do This Fall in Belleville

Shandra Martinez

| 2 min read

Southwest of Detroit, this community is located on the peninsular shores of Belleville Lake. Whether you like strolling along waterfront parks, seeing historic airplanes up close, or having creative fun, there’s something to do on a visit to Belleville.
This Belleville park is part of the Huron-Clinton system of metro parks in Metro Detroit. Located along the Huron River, Lower Huron Metropark’s1,258 acres feature hike-and-bike trails and two self-guided nature trails. It’s the perfect spot to catch the fall colors.
The museum is housed in the former Willow Run Bomber Plant that produced B-24 Liberators during World War II. In addition to a collection of historic planes, the museum is billed as Michigan's largest historic plane ride destination. From May through October, visitors have an opportunity to fly in B-17 Yankee Lady and B-25 Rosie’s Reply bombers, the C-47 Hairless Joe Skytrain, the UH-1 Huey, and the magnificent Ford Tri-Motor.
Two generations of the DeBuck family run this farm that boasts fields of sunflowers and lavender. Family-friendly activities include pedal cars, rat races, tire mountain, jump pad, bouncy balls, pirate ship, and giant cornhole.
Located on the shore of Belleville Lake, this city park is home to the Belleville War Memorial. It has many family-friendly amenities, such as a picnic pavilion, an arbor, benches and tables, and restrooms. There’s a lakeside boardwalk, courtesy boat docks, and an ADA-accessible canoe/kayak launch. It’s a popular spot among locals in the evenings to watch the sunset over the lake.
This hub of creativity is the place to come for family-friendly activities, from DIY canvas painting to wood frame painting. But it’s known for the Splatter Room Experience, which lets participants create art while getting messy in the neon splatter room. The good news is the protective gear and all materials are provided so the mess stays in the room.
There’s lots to see and do in Belleville in the fall.
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