Trying to Get Healthy? Attitude is Everything
Jodi Davis
| 3 min read

There are so many situations that occur in life that offer a choice to look at the situation in a positive way OR in a negative way. I’m the first to admit that it’s extremely difficult to find the positive in an event such as an illness, tragic accident, or the loss of a loved one. Understandably, these are very traumatic occasions that create a lot of sadness. Some continue feeling this sadness for months — even years — staying negative and focusing on all the gloom and doom that resulted from the event, while others do their best to maintain a positive attitude, looking for something good as a result from a tragedy. This is my choice.
Ten years ago when I attended the funeral of my friend, Shirley (who was also obese) I was very sad. Shirley was a part of my husband’s family, a wonderful person and a great mother to her teenage son. I will never forget the sight of her son crying as he looked down at his mom in that casket. This day was a life-changing event for me. This was a negative time for me, when I finally realized that obesity can cause a person to lose their life.
I understood that I needed to change my lifestyle. I learned something from this negative event in my life and discovered I could make something positive happen. Changing my lifestyle gave me a positive result – a 162-pound weight-loss within sixteen months. I kept a positive attitude during this time and continued to believe I COULD DO IT! It took some effort, but I can honestly say that I did avoid developing a negative attitude about my new lifestyle. I kept it positive.
My goal is to continue keeping a positive attitude. If there is something I don’t like or disagree with, I try to think of the positive aspects. Simple everyday things like my child missing the bus… rather than getting upset, I try to focus on the extra time I get to spend with her that morning while I drive her to school. This can be difficult sometimes, but it’s much better than being upset or angry. Make the best of your day.
I’m a person that feels as though everything in life happens for a reason – just like I know there is a reason you are reading this blog post today! You’ve wanted to change your lifestyle for a long time but just didn’t know when to start. I’m feeling pretty positive that TODAY is that day!
Begin by focusing on a positive attitude, start making healthier food choices and find your favorite walking shoes… it’s TIME! Please keep me posted on your attitude – I’d love to know how things are going for you!
Photo Credit: allieosmar