Gardening 101: 5 herbs to incorporate into your diet
| 2 min read

Beyond just adding flavor (sans calories we might add), herbs come with lots of natural benefits. From fighting off memory loss to settling a stomachache, herbs pack quite a punch when it comes to keeping us healthy. Best yet, they can easily be grown at home so you’ll always have a fresh supply.
Try adding these five fresh herbs into your diet:
An excellent source of both vitamins A and C, this popular herb is packed with antioxidants, as well as iron and dietary fiber. These antioxidants prevent cellular damage that can improve overall health and help prevent inflammation and signs of aging.

This herb is helpful in treating numerous digestive illnesses and calming down nausea symptoms. One study from the American College of Gastroenterology, even found that peppermint oil was effective in easing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

A fighter of both stomachaches and sore throats, sage adds a flavorful kick all while treating multiple symptoms, and a study from the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics even showed it’s help in potentially combating early signs of Alzhiemer’s disease.

Packed with rosmarinic acid, this fragrant plant makes for a great anti-inflammatory. Combined with additional antioxidant compounds, rosemary fights bacteria and prevents meat from spoiling, making cooked meats even healthier.

This fresh herb is a great source of vitamin C, which helps build up your immune system. One researcher from Georgetown even found that Oregano also has antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it effective against some food-borne illnesses and even some antibiotic resistant infections.
To get started growing your own healthy herb garden on a budget or to find fresh herbs near you, check out for a full list of deals.
To find out more about the health benefits of these herbs, please check out the links below:
Thyme: WedMD overview of medicinal thyme uses
Mint: New York Times article on peppermint oil for irritable bowel
Sage: The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutic’s study on sage and it’s active ingredient rosmarinic acid
Rosemary: The University of Maryland Medical Center complementary and alternative medicine guide
Oregano: Science Daily article on oregano research
Mint: New York Times article on peppermint oil for irritable bowel
Sage: The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutic’s study on sage and it’s active ingredient rosmarinic acid
Rosemary: The University of Maryland Medical Center complementary and alternative medicine guide
Oregano: Science Daily article on oregano research