Find Your ‘Why’ For Living a Healthy Life

Angela Moore
Angela Moore

| 4 min read

A mother exercises with her young son inside their home. She is teaching the boy the importance of a healthy lifestyle by proper stretching and exercising.
“Find your why.” It’s a common phrase you’ve probably heard from a life coach, boss or maybe even a friend, meant to determine the driving force behind behaviors that will lead to successful habits. The popular personal and organizational development workbook, “Find Your Why,” created by Simon Sinek, David Mead, and Peter Docker implies that if you can find your why, you can achieve success whether you are a seasoned CEO or new hire. “Find Your Why” is also a popular phrase used in numerous articles on mental, nutritional, and physical well-being that suggest finding your why is essential to success whenever you embark on a personal journey towards better health.

So, how do you find your “why” for living a healthy life?

The answer to that question can be found in what will motivate you to start the journey and what will keep you from quitting when things get tough.
However, finding your why for a healthy life does not have to be one-dimensional.There can be many “whys” that motivate you to start and “goals” to keep you going.
Your “why” could be inspired by the desire to avoid sickness and the unpredictable consequences of illness, or the joy of being well and the benefits of a healthy life. Or perhaps, it’s a combination of both.
Mental, nutritional, and physical health are significant lifestyle factors that not only positively impact one’s life immediately but also can impact one’s entire lifespan. Also, changes can be implemented from day one and built upon throughout one’s lifetime.

What are the “whys” that are going to motivate you?

Concern for mental illness or the peace of mental wellness?
  • Mental illness can cause mental instability, relationship problems, difficulties in personal and professional life, low self-esteem, poor performance, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction with life.
  • Mental wellness can contribute to mental stability, healthy relationships, inner peace, self-confidence, resilience, happiness, sense of purpose and satisfaction with life and one’s life course.
Consequences of poor nutrition or the benefits of proper nutrition?
  • Poor nutrition can contribute to chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes, osteoporosis, dementia, and some cancers. Poor nutrition can also lead to obesity or being overweight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, and decreased energy.
  • Proper nutrition can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and illnesses, improve immunity and ability to recover after illness and/or injury. Proper nutritionalso contributes to a healthy weight, a positive body image, a stable and positive mood, and increased energy level.

Costs of poor physical health or the rewards of good physical health?

  • Similarly, poor physical health can contribute to the same chronic diseases and illnesses as poor nutrition. Poor physical health also reduces muscular endurance and strength, decreases blood circulation, negatively impactsmetabolism, and reduce one’s ability to control their weight.
  • Good physical health can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and illnesses, increase muscular endurance and strength, increase blood circulation, improve bone and joint health and contribute to a healthy weight.

Are you feeling motivated? Yes! Now, let’s talk goals so you can start taking action!

Goal setting does not have to be complicated. In fact, the key is to keep it simple. The important thing to remember is that goal setting is a process.Goal setting is simply the action of taking steps towards a desired outcome. And living a healthy lifestyle is a process that involves the series of steps necessary to achieve and maintain a healthy life. 
Process goals are also extremely beneficial because unlike performance and outcome goals, they are controllable and empowering. You can set goals that are within your control, knowing that through your own efforts, you will find the keys that unlock the doors to your success.
Process goals also help define your journey. Step by step and day-to-day, you are making choices and performing actions that will ultimately lead to your desired outcome. 
Some examples of mental, nutritional, and physical health process goals are:
  • Meditating for 10 minutes each morning.
  • Eating a fruit or vegetable with every meal.
  • Exercising every other day of the week.
Remember as you go through the process of achieving and/or maintaining a healthy lifestyle that you will have your ups and downs. However, as long as you are consistent and stay committed, you will achieve your desired outcome, a healthy life.
Photo credit: Getty

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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