10K Steps Challenge participant walks over 150 miles since January

Kristin Coppens
| 2 min read

Participating in the 10K Steps Challenge leading up to the Fifth Third Bank River run is a structured way for beginners and experienced participants alike to stick to a training schedule and stay motivated. Once participants sign up for the Challenge, they are given packets of information to log activity online, a pedometer and are registered for newsletter filled with tips for staying active.
As a part of the 10K Steps Challenge, Blue Care Network and the Fifth Third River Bank Run have put together monthly training walks and runs at the downtown YMCA in Grand Rapids. The walks are held at 8:00am on the first Saturday of every month leading up to the run on May 10th.
Lori Doctor and her husband each participate in the monthly training walks for the 10K Steps Challenge. In fact, Lori won a FitBit giveaway at the last training walk. As Lori notes, “I love walking and I like joining different walking programs that are offered. This program offers walking once a month in the Downtown YMCA, which I love. It’s great to be able to walk comfortably inside during the winter months.”
To make a healthy lifestyle change, walking can be the first step. Whether by physician suggestion or personal choice, starting out small is a good way to be kind to your body and work towards consistent and healthy lifestyle choices. As a result of walking, Lori has started to watch what she eats and drinks, while adding activity.
“I walk at least 5-6 days a week for 30-40 minutes each time. And I really try to watch what I eat: more fruits, vegetables, whole wheat breads, and more foods with fiber. I also drink a lot of water during the day,” says Lori.
To make sure that she reaches her 10K steps goal every day, Lori uses other forms of exercise and fitness routines. She incorporates workout videos like Jillian Michaels’ Arms and Shoulders, as well as Wii Fit. “I love walking, so mostly [exercise is just walking]; I have actually walked 150 miles since mid-January,” says Lori.
To others, Lori suggests to just get out there and start walking. Taking those baby steps is the way to ease into a program and remain positive and motivated. “My advice is to start walking and not to give up. You’ll love walking. It’s fun, free, and a great way to stay in shape!”
Photo credit: Bryan Esler Photography