Steel Cut Oats vs. Rolled Oats

A Healthier Michigan

| 3 min read

Oat consumption is increasing in America over the past decade, as Americans are seeking the whole-grain heart-healthy benefits of eating oats and oatmeal, particularly for breakfast. Additionally, kids who eat more oats for breakfast are more likely to eat other food groups and have a well-rounded diet.

What is the difference between steel cut oats and rolled oats?

Oats are a grain grown and harvested across the world. There are three main types of oats eaten in America: steel cut oats, rolled oats and instant oats.
Steel cut oats have been cut with steel blades, separating the inner parts of the oat grains into smaller pieces. They can be used in recipes that call for oats or prepared on their own to eat as a hot cereal. They take slightly longer than traditional rolled oats take to cook and take longer to digest.
Rolled oats are whole oat grains with the outer shell removed that are then steamed and rolled flat. This seals oils and moisture into the oats and gives them a larger surface area than steel cut oats, resulting in shorter cooking times.

Which type of oats are easier to prepare?

Rolled oats cook more quickly because of their increased surface area, but both types of oats can be prepared with a few simple steps. Rolled oats prepared traditionally tend to take between 5 and 15 minutes to prepare, while steel cut oats take 15 to 45 minutes regularly. Using either rolled oats or steel cut oats to make overnight oats makes the process even easier and is a healthy, quick and convenient breakfast option. Neither type of oats cooks as quickly as instant oatmeal, but their nutritional benefits outweigh instant oatmeal.

Are there nutritional differences between steel cut and rolled oats?

Most of the differences between steel cut and rolled oats are more of preference details such as texture, flavor, cook time and ease of use. You may prefer one over the other or use them interchangeably for different uses or recipes. There are some slight differences between the two and how they affect the body nutritionally:
  • Rolled oats are digested more easily and have a slightly higher glycemic load than steel cut oats
  • Steel-cut oats have more fiber which may make you feel full for longer as they take longer to digest
Both are whole-grain options that can help to improve cholesterol values and heart health as part of a well-rounded diet.

Steel cut and rolled oats compared to instant oatmeal

Both steel cut and rolled oats are a better nutritional option than instant oatmeal. Instant oatmeal is more processed than steel cut and rolled oats and often have added sugar and sodium. Instant oats are pre-cooked, dried and rolled to make them quick to serve and eat. This process strips the oats of some fiber and nutritional value, while also making them easier to digest.
Photo credit: Getty Images


A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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