#MIKidsCan Champions of the Month: 2016 Play Like a Lion Ambassadors
| 3 min read

Ever wonder what it’s like to be in the cleats of a Detroit Lion? These champions can tell you.
Last year Brendon Burkett, Amanda Francis, Dalton Frank, Madison Knuttila and Alona Leoine earned a VIP experience at Ford Field after spending part of their summer learning how to play, eat, throw and sleep like their favorite Detroit Lions players.
This year, these young, healthy lifestyle ambassadors are invited back to the #MIKidsCan Play Like a Lion Experience in recognition of their hard work to stay active and make healthy choices throughout the year.
Do you know a child who deserves to join them on the field? From July 12 – 30, nominate a child to be featured as the #MIKidsCan Champion of the Month on ahealthiermichigan.org/MIKidsCan and he or she can be entered for a chance to join Blue Cross and the Detroit Lions for the 2016 Play like a Lion Experience.

Brendon Burkett, 8
Brendon participated in the 2015 #MIKidsCan Play Like a Lion Challenge because he loves the Detroit Lions and wants to be healthy. He still talks about how he played on the field when he watches the Lions play home games, and has played on a tackle football and flag football team since the event. He’s excited to help spread the message about being healthy and active.

Amanda Francis, 11
Grand Rapids
Since participating in last year’s #MIKidsCan Play Like a Lion challenge, Amanda has continued to follow the concepts that she learned from the challenge. Amanda still likes to fill half of her plate with fruits and veggies, gets at least 8 to 12 hours of sleep a night and is still active for 60 minutes a day. Swimming is a favorite summer activity. What Amanda is most proud of this year is participating in the 10 week Kent County Girls On The Run 5K program. Amanda plans to be on the track and softball team when she returns to school this fall!

Dalton Frank, 13
East Lansing
Dalton is a lover of all things outdoors, which is one of the reasons he decided to participate in the #MIKidsCan Play Like a Lion Challenge in 2015. Since then, he has learned to watch what he eats and stay away from pop. More than anything, Dalton focuses on staying active all year by playing basketball, tennis, kayaking and fishing.

Madison Knuttila, 8
Madison believes it’s important for kids to be active in order to stay healthy, which made her a wonderful candidate for the 2015 #MIKidsCan Play Like a Lion Challenge. Aside from getting to meet the players from her favorite Detroit football team, this experience helped Madison overcome her shyness towards participating in group sports. She’s more active than ever and enjoys playing outside with her brothers.

Alona Leoine, 10
Since the 2015 #MIKidsCan Play Like a Lion Challenge, Alona has inspired friends and family to trade in screen time for playing outside and trying new sports. When she’s not busy with friends, Alona is focused on eating healthy while she pursues her passion in modeling and acting. She encourages kids her age to take care of their bodies every day!
Photo Credit: A Healthier Michigan