10 Mental Health Tips for New Parents
Lindsay Knake
| 3 min read
Having a baby can be one of the greatest experiences someone has, but it can also pose mental health challenges.
Approximately 13% of women will experience anxiety in the year after giving birth, and up to 21% will experience symptoms of depression, according to a study. Low income and single parents have a higher risk of anxiety and depression. Fathers, too, can struggle with the stress of transitioning to becoming a parent.
Here are 10 mental health tips for new parents:
1. Be kind to yourself.
Practicing self-compassion at this time is important for your mental health. You’re going through a major life change, which takes time to adjust to.
2. Ask for help.
Talk to your partner and your loved ones about how they can help. Before having the child, talk to them about how they can help and what you need. Providing specific tasks people can do is a great way to keep them involved without having to have these conversations after the baby is born.
3. Make time for yourself.
If you can take time throughout the day, even a few minutes, to have time for yourself. This can be a shower, a short time for gentle exercise, reading a book, or doing something you enjoy that is simply for you to refill your own cup.
4. Make time for other relationships.
Spend time with your partner, especially if you have one, or other adults in your life. Even if you can’t spend much time with them, staying connected in small ways such as phone calls, video chats and text messages can provide a boost.
5. Accept what is.
The fourth trimester and a major life change are challenging times. You may be exhausted and struggle to get everything done, and that’s OK. Don’t hold yourself to an impossible standard, but focus on the most essential tasks and let the rest go.
6. Know the signs of baby blues or postpartum depression.
Approximately 1 in 8 women experience postpartum depression, according to the National Institute of Childhood Health and Development.
Here are symptoms of postpartum depression:
- Irritability or anger
- Unusual sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness
- Change in appetite
- Loss of interest in things you enjoy
- Withdrawing from loved ones
- Possible thoughts of harming yourself or the baby
If you experience symptoms of postpartum depression, talk to your health care provider right away.
7. Get professional help if you need it.
If you are struggling in any way with your mental health, talk to your primary care provider, seek help from a therapist, or both. Your physician can identify triggers of mental health challenges and discuss treatments, from strategies to medication.
A therapist can assist you in coping with your emotions and create strategies that work for you and your family. Having someone to talk to without judgment can in and of itself be soothing.
8. Sleep.
Getting good sleep is essential for anyone’s mental and physical health. Sleep when the baby sleeps, as the saying goes.
9. Enjoy the small moments.
Part of good mental health is being in the present. Savor moments of snuggling with your new baby and finding joy in the small moments you share with your family.
10. Remember, you are not alone.
Billions of people have had kids before you. They did it, and you can do it, too.
Image: Getty Images