Lindsay Knake
Tips for Exercising During Menopause
While about 75% of women experience menopause symptoms, which start at the average age of 51, there are ways to manage symptoms and maintain health.
How to Read Nutrition Labels
Nutrition labels on packaged foods are there to help you understand what’s in them and how you can make healthy choices.
How is Quality of Life Measured?
While it isn’t easy to define in a simple number, taking time to consider our satisfaction with our daily lives, relationships, health and environment can allow us to practice gratitude for what we have and make changes in other areas.
5 Health Issues New Moms Should Be Aware Of
In the six to eight weeks following childbirth, women are in the postpartum period. As you transition to motherhood, your body is also healing and recovering after pregnancy and childbirth.
How to Present a Positive Self-Image While You Try to Lose Weight
Cultivating a positive sense of self while you work on weight loss is an important part of the process as poor body image is associated with anxiety and stress.
How to Feel Connected to a Support System After the Holidays
The post-holiday blues, or a feeling or sadness or let down now that the holidays are over, can contribute to losing touch with loved ones. Here are ways to feel connected to your system after the holidays.
How to Identify and Prevent Frostbite
The best way to manage frostbite is prevention. Learn more about how to identify the condition and how to prevent it.
The Benefits of Cross-Country Skiing
Heading outside for exercise is a great way to improve your mental and physical health during the winter. One fun and healthy way the whole family can get winter exercise is cross-country skiing.
Practicing Body Neutrality During the Holiday Season
With body neutrality, you can let go of negative feelings about yourself and appreciate your body for what it can do. Learn more about body neutrality and how to practice it through the holiday season.
Understanding the Range of Premature Birth
Being born early can mean serious health risks for infants, particularly in their brain and lungs. The range of premature birth spans several weeks, and premature babies will require more care.
Does Turkey Actually Make You Sleepy?
Let’s take a look at the myth around turkey and the reasons you may want a nap after your Thanksgiving feast.
The Benefits of Joining a Running Group
Learn how joining a running club can help you with your physical and mental health.
How to Create a Personal Mental Health Check-In
Taking time to check in with yourself is a powerful practice for your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Follow these tips to create a personal health check in:
Blue Cross ArtPrize Artists Inspired by Nature and History
You can see artists' work in a large window at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan office at the Steketee’s Building, 86 Monroe Center St. NW, in downtown Grand Rapids. ArtPrize is Sept. 13-Sept. 28.
How to Pick Out Running and Walking Shoes
It’s easy to ask a friend for a recommendation, but their body, stride and injury-risk are different than yours. Learn how to pick out running and walking shoes that will help you stay healthy and meet your goals.
Could A Low-FODMAP Diet Be Helpful For Your Sensitive Stomach?
FODMAPS, an acronym for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols, are a group of carbohydrates in fruits, vegetables, legumes and dairy. Foods high in FODMAPs ferment as you digest them, causing gas, abdominal cramps, constipation and diarrhea for some.
10 Mental Health Tips for New Parents
Practicing self-compassion at this time is important for your mental health. You’re going through a major life change, which takes time to adjust to.
Do Kids Need Multivitamins?
Multivitamins may seem like an easy way to ensure kids get the vitamins and minerals they need, but are they necessary? In healthy children, it’s best to get minerals and vitamins through a wide range of healthy foods.
Easy Ways to Incorporate Strength Training in the Summer
When you start a workout plan, it’s easy to do too much too soon. That can leave you sore, tired, and feeling dejected, as well as increase your chance for injury. If you’re not in the habit of a regular strength routine, start small.
Shoo Fly: How to Keep Flies Away & Protect Your Health
Most of the time, houseflies are merely annoying, and their bites can be briefly painful. However, these insects can spread bacteria and viruses through their bites.
How Do I Successfully Set a Summer Routine for My Kids?
Creating a gentle routine for your kids is important for their development and well-being. Knowing what to expect helps children feel more safe and secure.
What Do Signs and Symptoms of PTSD Look Like?
Trauma is an event or series of events that threaten your sense of safety or your life.

What Is the 5 to 9 Before Your 9 to 5 Productivity Trend?
TikTok users are sharing their morning routines before settling down at their laptops at home or heading to work. Those using this trend are getting up earlier – 5 a.m. – to pack more into their days.
The Benefits of Unstructured Travel Time
Ditching all the planning and your phone can alleviate stress and restore creativity. Giving yourself time on your vacation to restore your whole body will help you when you’re back home.
Signs of Alzheimer’s and Dementia in Aging Parents
Alzheimer’s is a brain disorder that causes the brain to shrink and brain cells to die, and it worsens with time. The disease is the leading cause of dementia, a decline in memory, thinking, behavior and social skills.
What Causes Migraines?
A migraine is a headache that causes throbbing pain that is often on one side of your head.
Ways to Salvage Your Day After a Bad Night’s Sleep
Chronic loss of sleep can lead to anxiety, depression, more illnesses, and cardiovascular events. Practice good sleep habits to prevent one bad day from becoming many bad days.
Navigating Mother’s Day Celebrations When It’s Hard
Have self-compassion and don’t feel like you need to enjoy or recognize Mother's Day. Allow yourself to feel the emotions you have rather than pressuring yourself to feel happy or joyful.