

5 Health Issues New Moms Should Be Aware Of

In the six to eight weeks following childbirth, women are in the postpartum period. As you transition to motherhood, your body is also healing and recovering after pregnancy and childbirth.


Understanding the Range of Premature Birth

Being born early can mean serious health risks for infants, particularly in their brain and lungs. The range of premature birth spans several weeks, and premature babies will require more care.


Risk Factors for Premature Birth

Nearly 1 in 10 women who give birth experience premature or preterm birth, defined as any birth before the 37th week of pregnancy. There are a variety of inherent health factors, environmental factors and lifestyle factors that heighten the risk of premature birth.


How Mood Disorders and Physical Discomfort Can Affect Bond with Unborn Baby

While many women do fall in love with their unborn babies as soon as they see the two pink lines appear on their pregnancy tests, for others, it doesn’t happen quite that way. That’s OK; it doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you!


10 Mental Health Tips for New Parents

Practicing self-compassion at this time is important for your mental health. You’re going through a major life change, which takes time to adjust to.


8 Healthy Snacks for Pregnancy

These healthy pregnancy snacks incorporate many key nutrients and are also easy to prepare, transport and eat whether at home, work or on-the-go.

A pregnant woman preparing healthy snacks for her pregnancy.

How Breastfeeding Affects Mental Health

When facing problems with breastfeeding, women may experience feelings of depression or symptoms similar to post traumatic stress syndrome.


Easy Ways to Eat Healthy During Pregnancy 

Cravings come and go, but healthy eating during pregnancy is easy to accomplish.

Future mother eating healthy food

Postpartum Depression: When to Seek Help 

When it’s not the “baby blues,” certain symptoms following childbirth could be postpartum depression. Here’s how to tell the difference.

In doctor's waiting room, mother kisses baby's hand

Preparing to Get Pregnant? 5 Things to Do 

Preparation for a healthy pregnancy starts before conception. Here’s how to get your body ready.

Shot of a young couple dancing together in their kitchen

New Safe Sleep Guidelines for Infants 

Thousands of babies die in sleep-related circumstances annually. New sleep guidelines are meant to advise parents and caregivers on ways to keep infants safer.

Asian Chinese young father bonding time playing with his baby boy son at living room during weekend

Pregnancy Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore 

Women can experience physical and emotional changes during pregnancy, but some warning signs should not be ignored.

Young pregnant woman suffering from backache

How to Bond with Your Baby Without Breastfeeding  

Breastfeeding is not the only way to connect and reinforce that bond with your baby. Learn about other ways to bond with your baby.

Loving biracial mom hug cute little baby child

The Truth About Breastfeeding and Weight Loss

Breastfeeding does burn a lot of calories, but expecting weight loss can set unrealistic expectations and get in the way of your relationship with your baby.

Mother breastfeeds and plays with her newborn baby

Breastfeeding Basics for New Moms  

There are numerous benefits to breastfeeding an infant for both mom and baby. Here's what new moms should know about breastfeeding basics.

Mom breastfeeds newborn baby

Essentials for Pumping and Storing Breastmilk

Pumping and storing breastmilk does take additional supplies and planning – but can help provide infants with many of the same benefits of direct breastfeeding.

Young woman and her baby- sitting at the table with a breast pump

Baby Sleep Safety: What Parents Need to Know

It's important for parents and caregivers to take steps to keep their babies as safe as possible. Here are the do's and don'ts of baby sleep safety.

Young woman rests as her baby safely sleeps in her bassinet next to the bed

Breastfeeding Benefits Beyond Just Keeping Baby Fed 

From bonding to healthier teens, there are lots of breastfeeding benefits beyond just keeping a baby fed.

Asian mother is breastfeeding Cute little Asian 14 months / 1 year old toddler baby boy child in bed

What is World Prematurity Day?

World Prematurity Day is observed every year to raise awareness of premature birth and the concerns that premature babies and their families face globally.

Premature baby

Tools to Help Nursing Moms

If you have a nursing mom in your life, you can help her adjust to her new normal with a few helpful tools for her breastfeeding journey.

Two mothers and babies on sofa, nursing

How Receiving Health Care Through Your Pregnancy Can Help You Avoid Complications

Every year around 700 women die from complications around pregnancy and that risk triples if you are an African American, American Indian or Alaska Native woman.

Mother and Baby

What Pregnant Women Need to Know About Folic Acid

Folic acid can prevent major birth defects of the baby’s brain and spine.

Folic acid foods including beans, pasta, cereal, avocado and broccoli sit on a table

“Detroit Mom” Founder Candid About Breastfeeding Challenges

Elizabeth Lewis runs “Detroit Mom”, a website designed to support parents. She said pressure on moms makes them question their infant feeding choices.

Elizabeth holding Maryn

What is Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome?

NAS occurs when newborn babies experience withdrawal symptoms after being exposed to drugs or alcohol in the womb.

baby sleeping and holidng adult hand

The Potentially Life-Saving Skill to Teach Your Infant

This life-saving technique can teach young children what to do if they fall in water


Why Do Some Babies Wear Helmets?

Have you ever wondered why some babies wear helmets but were too afraid to ask their caregivers? Here’s the scoop from a mom who knows.

why do some babies wear helmets

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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