My 10K Hike to Combat Hunger in West Michigan

Kristin Coppens
| 2 min read

In West Michigan, 1 out of 6 of our residents are not sure where their next meal will come from. This notion is even worse at 1 out of 5 for children in West Michigan. Feeding America West Michigan serves 100,000 + families in their battle against hunger in the area. In fact, approximately 300 farmers, manufacturers, restaurants, and stores donate food to Feeding America West Michigan instead of throwing it out. For every $1.00 donated, Feeding America West Michigan is able to provide four meals.
The Million Meal March, coordinated by Feeding America West Michigan, is West Michigan’s “all-out advance against hunger.” Through a series of events, education and social sharing, the Million Meal March is meant to shed light on the plight of many West Michigan residents while pushing the community to beat the issue.
I’ll be participating in one of the upcoming scheduled events, the Million Meal March White Pine Trail Hike. Taking place on September 29th, 2012, the White Pine Trail Hike is a 10K hike through one of West Michigan’s most beautiful nature trails. Beginning at 10am, the hike is meant to bring the community of West Michigan together through exercise and awareness, while providing refreshments and entertainment along the way. Our mission is to raise enough money to supply one million meals on top of what Feeding West Michigan Food Bank already distributes.
Due to some old high school basketball injuries and surgeries, I’m personally not a runner. But what else have I been doing to prepare for the 10K hike? Cardiovascular exercise can be achieved and modified through a number of different outlets. I enjoy using the elliptical and typically fit that in four times per week at approximately 4-6 miles each time. I also participate in boot camp and yoga classes at my local gym, while walking whenever possible. For me, it’s all about variation and low impact. There hasn’t been much change for me with my diet in preparation for the hike. I believe in everything in moderation and not depriving my diet of anything I might want. That being said, I typically eat locally grown Michigan products or organic whenever possible.
Interested in joining me on my 10K hike against hunger? You can sign up through September 28th to participate. Don’t live in West Michigan? Find out how you can organize a Million Meal March event in your community!
What does your community do to combat hunger in Michigan?
Photo credit: cambodia4kidsorg