The DIA is turning its museum Inside|Out
Brandon Burbank
| 2 min read

For the fifth consecutive year, the Detroit Institute of Arts is turning its museum inside out, literally.
The Inside|Out program is an initiative of the DIA that is hauling out over 80 high-quality reproductions of its most famous works of art to city streets across Metro Detroit. With support from the Knight Foundation, the masterpieces have been distributed among nine cities at the beginning of April and will be moved to an additional nine cities in August, which will remain there until October. The artwork can be found in parks, trails, walkways, etc. The focus of Inside|Out is community engagement.
When the DIA displays Inside|Out in various cities, it encourages community members to take advantage of the art while it is living in their area. For instance, the program has been part of color runs, bike rides and even dog walks. Inside|Out looks to inspire people to learn more about their community and the DIA, while getting a little bit of exercise in the process.
“It’s (Inside|Out) all about spontaneous acts of culture and really finding art in surprising and unique places,” said Kathryn Dimond, director of Community Relations at the Detroit Institute of Arts. “It’s really taken a life of its own.”
Over the last four years, the program has installed more than 700 reproductions in 98 communities.Even after Inside|Out is taken down, some communities will implement their own version of the program by using art by local artists.
“If Inside|Out can help communities be a better place for their residents and spur people to look at art and their community in a different way, then we think that’s fantastic,” said Dimond.
As Inside|Out prepares to transition to its next nine cities, be sure to visit or like their Facebook page for more information.
Photo Credit: Brandon Burbank