3 Healthy Labor Day Party Dip Ideas

Shanthi Appelo
Shanthi Appelo

| 2 min read

As Labor Day draws near, a lot of us are getting ready to spend time with loved ones and unwind with good food, fun, and company. Dips have always been a popular choice for party snacks because of their versatility and ability to bring people together. They're perfect for encouraging guests to gather around and socialize while enjoying a tasty treat.
With a variety of dippers available, there's something for everyone's taste and dietary preferences. From crisp veggies to whole-grain crackers, dippers can also add to the nutritious value of your spread. Here are some of the best crunchy veggie dippers to try:
  • Cucumber slices
  • Carrots spears
  • Sugar snap peas
  • Bell peppers spears
  • Broccoli florets
  • Jicama spears
  • Zucchini or yellow squash spears
When it comes to dips, the type of base used can greatly influence its health value. Mayonnaise is a popular base for dips, but it's important to note that it is high in fat and calories can quickly add up. Mayonnaise and sour cream are high in saturated fat, which can increase the risk of heart disease if consumed in excess. While these bases are okay in moderation, it's important to keep serving size in mind. Here are some tips for making healthier dips:
  1. Pour the dip onto your plate instead of scooping directly from the bowl to be mindful of serving size.
  2. Consider substituting some of the mayonnaise with Greek yogurt for a unique flavor.
  3. If using non-fat Greek yogurt, add a little bit of heart-healthy olive oil to balance out the tanginess.
  4. Offer fresh salsas with a variety of colors to add a punch of nutrients to the spread.
We’ve pulled together three healthy and easy dip ideas to take the labor out of your Labor Day party planning:
This dip is inspired by Mediterranean cuisine and blends bold flavors with creamy textures. The combination of feta cheese's richness and Greek yogurt's tanginess creates a smooth and protein-packed treat.
A party is never truly complete without the classic and timeless charm of salsa. This flavorful dip is made with ripe tomatoes, onions, cilantro, lime juice, and a bit of heat from jalapeños, creating a perfect taste of summer as it nears its end.
This sizzling garlic-herb yogurt dip is a great protein- and nutrient-packed party appetizer. Olive oil is heated then poured over a mix of garlic, herbs and a hint of red pepper flakes. The mixture then sizzles, adding a depth of flavors and is then poured on top of a bed of Greek yogurt.
Photo credit: Getty Images/BCBSM

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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