3 Brunch Mocktails for Mother’s Day

Shanthi Appelo
Shanthi Appelo

| 2 min read

Mother's Day mocktails
Mother’s Day is a special occasion on which we honor and celebrate the amazing women in our lives who have shaped us into who we are today. Brunch is a popular way to celebrate this day whether dining at home or at a restaurant. If you’re taking the home-route, consider serving up mocktails that can be enjoyed by everyone, including pregnant women, kids and those who choose not to consume alcohol.
Mocktails are cocktails that offer all the delicious flavors and refreshing qualities of traditional cocktails, sans the alcohol. They can be made with a variety of ingredients such as fruit juices, syrups and flavorful sodas, and can be garnished with herbs, fruits and flowers for added visual appeal.
Fruit-forward and relatively low in added sugar, mocktails often also offer health benefits. Using fruits and herbs in the preparation adds vitamins and antioxidants to the mix, while making them without the alcohol significantly reduces the calorie count.
So, raise a glass to the mothers in your life and enjoy a refreshing mocktail in their honor with these three options:
In these mocktail renditions of mimosas, champagne is swapped for flavored sparkling water. Versatile and fresh, you can mix it with classic orange juice for a sweet and tangy flavor or peach puree for a mocktail version of the Bellini.
Strawberry No-jita
This mocktail version of the mojito is perfect for warm weather. The natural sweetness of the strawberries combined with the tangy lime juice and fresh mint creates a delightful and unique flavor that is both refreshing and satisfying.
No alcohol sangria
Sangria is a drink that originated in Spain, traditionally made up of fruit juices, sparkling water and a blend of fruit soaked in wine. This sangria-inspired antioxidant-packed drink is a great way to enjoy the flavors of the classic drink, sans the alcohol.

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