Push-up World Record Holder Attempts New Goal at Whitecaps Game

Julie Bitely

| 2 min read

Brett Masserant believes if you’re willing to try to reach lofty goals, you’re already ahead of most people.
The Shelby Township resident should know. He currently holds three world records and will attempt a fourth on Tuesday, June 6 at the West Michigan Whitecaps’ third and final School Days game for the season.
Masserant will invite kids onto the field to do push-ups with him before the game and then attempt to break the record for push-ups completed while wearing a 40-pound backpack in one hour. The current record stands at 800.
Brett Masserant during his eight-hour world record push-up session. (Courtesy photo)
His most legendary feat to date is completing more than 13,000 push-ups in an eight-hour session, a current world record.
The practicing attorney and certified NFL agent works out every day and said cross-training has been the key to his success. Although when he’s closing in on a push-up record, his focus becomes all push-ups, all the time.
“You just have to start doing them,” he said.
During his eight-hour record, he spent a portion of time watching “The Sopranos.” Television helps break up the monotony, but Masserant likens a marathon push-up session to the same type of mental training that goes into running a long race.
“You just kind of get used to it,” he said.
After incorporating push-ups into his regular workout routine, sometimes for 30 minutes or an hour at a time, Masserant grew curious about whether there were records and where he might stand. With encouragement from the crew at New Way Martial Arts Academy where he trains and has attempted many of his world records, he decided to go for it.
“What I realized with all these records, there’s going to be frustrations and I’ve certainly hit walls many times,” he said.
Masserant encourages people to dream big and keep trying, no matter how long it takes. He said a positive mental attitude means there’s always hope, as long as you’re willing to try.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan sponsors the West Michigan Whitecaps School Days games.
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Feature photo credit: midiman

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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