Four Recipes for Frozen Bananas
Shanthi Appelo
| 2 min read
Bananas are a versatile fruit for snacking and baking. They combine well with a variety of flavors and provide natural sweetness in place of sugar in many recipes. High in soluble fiber and resistant starch, bananas help add bulk to stool and act as a prebiotic — food that helps healthy gut bacteria to flourish. Moreover, they are rich in vitamin C, copper and potassium.
However, the fruit isn’t exactly known for its long shelf life. Often lasting less than a week, even in a fridge, many feel pressured to throw away or freeze them, or make banana bread when the peel begins to turn brown.
If you’ve ever frozen a banana in the peel, you might scratch your head at the result. Not only is a black frozen banana not visually appealing, but it’s also difficult to peel. To properly freeze a banana, first peel, cut in half, then freeze in a zippered bag, removing as much air as possible. Freezing halves comes in handy for easy portions to avoid having to cut through a frozen banana.
Luckily, frozen bananas can be used in a variety of recipes, including smoothies. Here are a healthy few to try:
Four Recipes for Frozen Bananas: