How you can train like a Navy SEAL

| 3 min read

TRX training and why you should try it
How do you imagine a workout with the Navy SEALs might go? If you expect serious weightlifting with barbells stacked to the max, then you’re in for a surprise.
In the early 2000s, a member of the Navy SEALs developed the TRX system. It’s a suspension system made up of a pair of straps with handles, which you can hang from the ceiling or attach to a stable elevated bar. It uses gravity and your own body weight to work your total body from multiple angles, challenging every muscle (especially your core). Exercises using the TRX mimic the way that you move in real life, which helps improve your athletic performance and reduce your risk of injury. It’s no wonder these simple straps have exploded in popularity at gyms across the country over the past decade.
If you want to try the TRX at your local gym or get one to use at home (The TRX HOME kit costs $199.95), then the following exercises are a great place to start. Remember, the greater the angle you create with the floor, the harder these exercises will be. You’ll have to raise or lower the TRX depending on the exercise you’re doing. One other note: Some experts worry that people who don’t have strong cores will use incorrect form, which increases the chances they’ll get hurt, so stand more upright if any of these moves feel too challenging and you’re not able to maintain proper form.
TRX Pushup: Stand facing away from the TRX with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold handles at chest height in front of you, arms extended and palms facing the floor. The TRX shouldn’t have any slack. Keep your body in a straight line from head-to-toe, then shift your weight to the balls of your feet. Bend your elbows and then push up to return to the starting position – and voila! You’ve done a TRX pushup. (Demo)
TRX Spider Planks: Get into the plank position and slip your feet into the TRX handles. Once you’ve established a solid elevated plank, pull your right knee to your right elbow while keeping your foot in the handle. Your left leg should remain straight. Repeat the same move on your left side, twisting your obliques from side-to-side and still maintaining proper plank form (butt down!). (Demo)
TRX Single Leg Squat: Hold the TRX with bent arms and your elbows positioned under your shoulders. Maintain tension in the TRX as you transfer your weight to your right leg, with the heel of your left foot resting lightly on the ground for balance. Lower your hips down and back as you would in a normal squat (like you’re sitting back in a chair), allowing your arms to extend and left foot to lift off the ground gradually. Drive through your standing heel to return to the starting position. You can either switch feet as you go or wait to do so once you complete an entire set. (Demo)
TRX High Curl: Stand facing the TRX with feet hip-width apart. Grasp the handles in front of your face and lean back, keeping your elbows bent at 90 degrees and palms facing you. Extend your arms so you continue to lean back, and then bend your elbows to pull yourself back up to the starting position. (Demo)
Try these moves as part of a Tabata workout. We guarantee you’ll be feeling it tomorrow!
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Photo credit: Living Fitness

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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