How You Can Help Your Pregnant Partner

Angela Jenkins

| 3 min read

Wife, spouse, partner, better half or wifey (as my husband calls me) — however you identify the pregnant lady in your life, pregnancy is not only exciting for her but also for the expectant father. It may be frustrating not knowing exactly what you can do for the pregnant lady in your life. Here are some suggestions that will help her and make you feel better because you are helping her out in many ways.

Over-Commit Yourself

It hurts where? Carrying the extra weight of the baby and pregnancy can take a toll on the mother-to-be and her body. Swollen feet and ankles, waddling, moving slower, back aches and ligament tugs are just a few of the common physical symptoms that your partner may be experiencing.
Any type of massaging and rubbing will help these aches and pains subside or at least not be as prominent for the moment. Trust me, it is such a relief to have this done to release the tension and relax, totally worth taking the time to make your partner comfortable. Rubbing her feet and back will more than likely give you some major brownie points!
Preggo brain, AGAIN? One common complaint of pregnant women, including myself, is the memory isn’t quite what it normally is. I am having such a hard time remembering the simplest of things lately that my husband and daughter probably think I have lost it some days.
You can help with this by being patient, patient and patient. If your pregnant partner has forgotten something you just told her, gently tell her again. Believe me, she doesn’t enjoy this part of pregnancy, so the more understanding you can be as a partner, the better it will make her feel. If this is the first baby, not to worry: Her memory will more than likely come back full throttle after the baby is born (I will let you determine if this is a good thing or not).
Didn’t we just eat? I have to laugh at this one. This is my second pregnancy and I am always hungry! I do not remember being this hungry the first go round. It makes sense because the body is growing a new human life, so extra nutrients and foods are definitely necessary.
You can help with this in a couple of ways. Wait on her hand and foot — and no, I am not kidding. Making her meals and snacks will allow her to rest and relax even if it is a short period of time (good for the body and mind). Also, making sure she is eating a healthy and balanced diet will not only benefit her but the baby as well. Lots of fruits and veggies, low-fat dairy for protein and fiber are all great ways to add extra and valuable nutrients.
I have to brag because my husband always makes dinner and a lot of times will make me breakfast and maybe even lunch as well. This is such a nice treat and I appreciate it so much. It allows me to either rest if I need it or to get one more task or chore done that is on my mind. Try it, I guarantee your partner will thank you for it again and again!
The obvious: Helping (even more) with household tasks, running errands and helping with other kids can be such a great stress reliever to your pregnant lady so that she doesn’t have to do them. For her to take some time for herself whether to rest or do something she enjoys can be a huge mental benefit for the pregnant mom, which in turn benefits the baby.
I have only named a few things that my husband does to help me personally. Dads and partners, what have you done to help your pregnant lady?
Photo credit: Rodrigo M. Siqueria

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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