Allison Hella

Allison is a junior at Michigan State University studying Communication and Public Relations. She loves running and finding new, easy ways to eat healthy (which occasionally includes checking out the latest frozen yogurt shoppes in the metropolitan area...)

Fall is peeking around the corner, are you ready to head to an apple orchard soon?

The dropping temperatures we've seen in the last few weeks have been a cool reminder that summer is winding down. With fall right around the corner…


What You Need to Know If You Have A Stress Fracture

By definition a stress fracture is a tiny crack in a bone. They’re caused by repetitive force to the bone –so basically, overuse.

Food and Recipes

Fad diets: Why does a recipe for disaster sound like recipe for success?

Fad diets are also limiting when it comes to exercise. Many prohibit exercise because its “dangerous” for your heart rate.


Headed to college? Tips to avoid the dreaded “freshman 15”

Ah, the first year of college. The flow of new experiences can be overwhelming: The food, the friends, the fun, the food. Admittedly I, like many others thrown…


A student’s guide to fitness options at five of Michigan’s biggest colleges

It's that time of year again: The summer is slowly winding down and the fall semester of college is beginning to inch closer and closer. Whether this fall will…

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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