What’s a Workout Haiku? The Perfect Way to Break Up Your Gym Rut

| 1 min read

try a new workout
Think back to when you were taught about poetry in elementary school. It’s likely that the haiku was the first poem style you learned about. If it’s been a while since then, here’s a refresher: Haikus are brief poems that have only three lines, each with a specific number of syllables. The first line has five syllables, the second has seven and the last has five again.
Although haikus are a quick and catchy form of writing used by poets all over the world, they can also be a fun way to describe a simple-yet-solid workout. Each of these seven workout haikus is perfect for adding into your typical gym routine—especially if you feel like you’ve been in a rut lately:
  1. 10 squats, 10 crunches
    25 jumping lunges
    30 jumping jacks
  1. 25 high knees
    35 second wall sit
    25 push ups
  1. Three 30-sec. planks
    30 second sumo squats
    10 minutes jogging
  1. Four minute jump rope
    10 dumbbell side bends, each side
    25 burpees
  1. One minute plank hold
    30 second arm circles
    10 burpees, repeat
  1. 20 triceps dips
    20 second arm circles
    25 push ups
  1. 50 donkey kicks
    35 mountain climbers
    40 dumbbell curls
Photo credit: Gregor

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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