Make Your Vegetables Taste More Like French Fries

Dr. Angela Seabright
Sarah Micallef

| 2 min read

french fries
If vegetables tasted more like French fries, we would have a lot easier time getting our recommended number of servings in, right?
One of my favorite ways to prepare vegetables is to roast them. Roasting helps to preserve nutritional value since vitamins are not leached into water and thrown out. It also allows for some variety in flavor without having to add a lot of extra fat. Plus, roasting is simple way to add some crunch and a new twist to some old favorites!
What does roasting mean? By definition, roasting is just the act of cooking something by direct exposure to dry heat. When I think of roasting, I imagine a marshmallow over an open fire. Cooking your favorite vegetables uncovered in the oven is the same concept. So, while we wait for spring to hurry up and get here, we can warm our bellies with a few extra veggies.
Here is a simple recipe for roasting:
1 Tbsp olive oil or canola oil
1-2 Tbsp of your favorite herbs and spices (parsley, dill, curry powder, cinnamon, garlic powder, onion powder, Italian seasoning are some of my favorites)
3-4 cups of your favorite raw vegetable, cut into thin strips about 1/4 inch thick or chopped into small pieces (carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, and brussel sprouts work great)
1.) Pre-heat your oven to 450-475
2.) In a medium bowl, coat the vegetables with oil and herbs. Mix well.
3.) Spray bottom of 9×13 pan or baking sheet with cooking oil.
4.) Add vegetables to pan in single layer and cook for 20-45 minutes (this will depend on the thickness of the vegetables and how crunchy you like them)
5.) Mix every 10-15 minutes while roasting.
While I can’t make your veggies taste exactly like French fries, many of my friends and family have commented on how roasted veggies remind them of fries! Seriously. If you haven’t tried it before and are inspired to do it, tell me, what do you think?
Try these other delicious recipes to get your daily dose of veggies:
Photo credit: sharyn morrow and Barn Images

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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